Associates | The Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Our associates are the individuals that have supported us by making contributions and taking a continued interest in our ideals, practices, and goals as an organization over time. The following individuals are some of the hundreds of associates of the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press. Many have been with us since the early days in the nineteen seventies.
45th Anniversary Associate Reflections (pdf)
Dorothy Abbott / Jennifer Abod, Ph.D. / Karma Abu Ayyash / Jo-Ann Huff Albers / Martha Leslie Allen, Ph.D. / Donna Caledonia Allen / Mark Allen / Otgon Altankhuyag / Ana Maria Alvarado / Elana Anderson, Ph.D. / Andreea Barb / Maurine Beasley, Ph.D. / Carolyn Bennett, Ph.D. / Nana Farika Berhane / Eleanor Blalock / Zaya Bold / Kathy Bonk / Arya Boris / Marcia J. Boruta / Denise Bostrom / Christen J. Brandt / Briawna Gillespie / Carissa Brooks / Annie Brown / Susan Brownmiller / Amy Buck / Charlotte Bunch / Martha Burk, Ph.D. / Sara Burnes / Vinie Burrows / Carolyn M. Byerly, Ph.D. / Colleen Callery / Bonnie Carlson / Medha Chandorkar / Jessica L. Chesnutt / Sena Christian / Danielle Chynoweth / Nikki Clemons / Elayne G. Clift / J. Ann Colbert / Erin Conroy / Rev. Cheryl Cornish / Nora Massignotti Cortese / Pamela J. Creedon / Zermarie Deacon / Dorothy Dean / Christine Deloatch / Dana Densmore, Ph.D. / Alix Dobkin / Ariel Dougherty / Ruth Dropkin / Valerie Eads / Yaara Elazari / Howard Fisher / Jo Freeman / Sara Friedman / Margaret Gallagher / Lauren Garczynski / Pragya Ghimire / Amanda Ghobadi / Sheila Gibbons / Amanda Glensky / Elaine F. Graves / Heather Grimm / Elsie Gutchess / Francesca Harding / Teresa Haring / Sandy Hayden / Jasmine Hillyer / Shere Hite / Maureen Honey, Ph.D. / Michael Honey, Ph.D. / Riley Horan / Frankie Hutton, Ph.D. / Birgitte Jallov / Margaret R. Johnston / Deanna Kaplan / Susan Kaufman, Ph.D. / Jean Kilbourne, Ph.D. / Lucy Komisar / Andrea Korte / Cheris Kramarae / Kimberlie Kranich / Arlene Krebs / Patti Krueger, Ph.D. / Katherine Lawrence / Julie Leak / Maryvonne Lecuyer / Kristin Lee / Helena Leslie / Tobe Levin, Ph.D. / Cindy H. Lin / Karin Lippert / Rebecca Little / Lucy Lu / Kashini Maistry / Danielle Maldonado / Tatyana Mamonova / Lisa Kar-Wai Man / Lucinda Marshall / Flora Massah / Paula McKenzie, Ph.D. / Betty Medsger / Leila Merl / Laura Mesquita / Nancy Meyer / Maria C. Miccio / Julie Mikalson / Paul Miller / Natasha Mirza / Dorinda Moreno / Robin Morgan / Maryse Mougin / Karen Mulhauser / Kathlene Mullens / Nyamsuren (Nimka) Munkhbat / Joy Murray / Angel Navuri Mvati / Mira Elena Peralta Nair / Emilia Ninova / Jenny Odintz / Laurat Ogunjobi / Senay Ozdemir / Kavya Padmanabhan / Sunaya Padmanabhan / Abigail Paulson / Rebecca Peterson / Marge Piercy / Letty Cottin Pogrebin / Gabrielle Rajerison / Lana Rakow, Ph.D. / Julia Beizer Ratliff / Kathleen Rand Reed / Cheyane Reisner / Frauke Richter / Bonnie Robertson / Gertrude Robinson, PhD / Jane Rosen, Psy.D. / Ramona R. Rush, Ph.D. / Alethea Russell / Diana E. H. Russell, Ph.D. / Corinne Sabo / Wazhma Wali Sadaat / Sara Sepehrrad / Trent Serwetz / Abeer Shehadeh / Elizabeth Shepard / Noa Shusterman / Andrea Singer / Srujana Sinha / Angelica Sisson / Margaretha Geertsema Sligh / Willona M. Sloan / Jill Rehkopf Smith / Tanya Smith-Sreen / Sandy Somchanmavong / Calandria Somuah / David Song / Silvia Soriano, Ph.D. / Gloria Steinem / Elisha Sum / Cecily Swanson / Elizabeth Thoman / Julie Thompson / Patricia Tobar / Anita Varma / Clare Oumou Verbeten / Mary Ellen Verheyden-Hilliard / Desiré Vincent / Carmen Delgado Votaw / Billie Wahlstrom, Ph.D. / Danna Lynn Walker, Ph.D. / Betsy Warrior / Haruko K. Watanabe / Diana Murray Watts / Delma M. Webb / Frieda Werden / Laura X / Jin-A Yang / Samantha Young / Cherrie Yu / Marcia Yudkin / Jonathan Zeitlin / Zenia Allen Zeitlin / Karen Zelermyer / Anne Zill / Jan Zimmerman
Some of our international Associates include: Canada: Karin Lippert / Frieda Werden / Gertrude Robinson, Ph.D. China: Cherrie Yu / Lucy Lu Denmark: Birgitte Jallov France: Shere Hite / Maryvonne Lecuyer / Maryse Mougin Germany: Tobe Levin, Ph.D. / Frauke Richter Ireland: Margaret Gallagher Israel: Yaara Elazari / Batya Marcus / Abeer Shehadeh / Noa Shusterman Japan: Haruko Watanabe Korea: Jin-A Yang Mexico: Diana Murray Watts (& U.S.) Mongolia: Otgon Altankhuyag / Zaya Bold / Nyamsuren (Nimka) Munkhbat Netherlands: Laura Mesquita /Senay Ozdemir Palestine: Karma Abu Ayyash Peru: Silvia Soriano, Ph.D. (& England) Russia: Tatyana Mamonova (& U.S.) Spain: Laurat Ogunjobi Scotland: Bonnie Robertson South Africa: Kashini Maistry Tanzania: Angel Navuri Mvati Tibet: Pragya Ghimire United Kingdom: Helena Leslie
Websites and Web pages of some of our WIFP Associates:
Ariel Dougherty: Ariel Dougherty Films (maker / producer / teacher / mentor / advocate / curator)
Christen Brandt: She’s the First
Charlotte Bunch: Author, professor, activist
Vinie Burrows: Actor, storyteller, activist
Martha Burk: writer and author
Carolyn Byerly, Ph.D.: Howard Media Group
Sena Christian: Journalist
Elayne Clift: Author
Rev. Cheryl Cornish: First Congregational Church, Memphis
Pam Creedon: Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Dorothy Dean: Activist (& historic Paid My Dues writer-publisher)
Dana Densmore: Green Lion Press
Jo Freeman: Feminist scholar, speaker & author
Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh, Ph.D.: Associate Professor, Journalism
Sheila Gibbons: Editor and writer
Michael Honey, Ph.D.: Love and Solidarity and
Frankie Hutton, Ph.D.: Rose Project
Birgitte Jallov: community radio and media development
Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D: Lecturer & Filmmaker
Pat Krueger, Ph.D.: Professor of Music Education
Tobe Levin, Ph.D.: Professor and activist focusing on the fight against FGM
Lucinda Marshall: Reclaiming Medusa
Robin Morgan: Author, journalist, activist
Senay Ozdemir: Dutch-Turkish journalist and women’s rights advocate
Rebecca Peterson: Attorney
Ramona Rush, Ph.D.: Professor Emerita and author
Freida Werden: Women’s International News Gathering Service
Associates Statement
For the right to “freedom of the press” to be meaningful, we must have a realistic way to exercise it – for all of us, not just the multimillionaires among us. In a century as intellectually and technologically creative as ours, we know a way to provide a means of communication to all who need it can be devised. It is undignified to have to “beg” or “demand” access to media that belongs to others, happy to be mentioned even if inaccurately.
Women are increasingly dissatisfied with the inadequacies of the present structures. We seek improvement both through expanding women-owned media and through our equal presence in other media at all levels. We need better news coverage of women and inclusion of women’s perspectives. This can be achieved through WIFP’s objective of having women speak for themselves in the media. Only then will we have an accurate reflection of our abilities and our political, economic, and social options.
We wish to indicate by our association with the Women’s Institution for Freedom of the Press our support for its work toward these goals.
Our many different approaches, views, and perspectives, both within and outside of media, unite to encourage meaningful change. This change would expand the exercise of our rights to communicate with each other and with the public in the media form we find most suitable to our message. We will continue to pursue authentic voice for women until our rights are no less than those elite few who are currently able to communicate their information to millions of others.
We know that changes in the structure of mass communication will come; too many people are being left out. Critical public and personal decisions are not viable because we lack their input. The question is: on what principles will the restructuring be made? We seek a voice in how the communications systems of the future will develop: we want to assure that the maximum number of people can be heard – in their own words speaking for themselves.
We are working together to register our unity, to aid each other’s media efforts, and to increase the resources allocated to changing the world’s communications systems to guarantee men and women equal access to the majority of the public.
For women to continue to make progress, it is essential that we have a communications system that will enable us more readily to exchange information with each other and to be able equally with men to reach the millions of the general public.
We seek these changes, not just to bring about democracy in media and to assure individual rights, but so we can more effectively work toward a world where peace and justice prevail.
Donna Allen, Founder
Martha Leslie Allen, Director