Wiki Loves Women Team
- ️Wed Dec 04 2024
Our Team
Florence Devouard and Isla Haddow-Flood conceptualised Wiki Loves Women in 2015 and developed it in discussion with Brigitte Doellgast at the Goethe-Institut. It was launched in 2016 with community building activities in 4 African countries and 2 online drives. Since then the community is growing in 12 countries, led by Wikimedia individuals and usergroups who conduct local community activities in partnership with over 78 organisation. The project provides further visibility and content through at least two online drives a year. In 2021, Wiki Loves Women was excited to add Candy Tricia Khohliwe to the team as an administrative assistant. In 2022, 3 new members joined the team, Afek Ben Chahed as a community facilitator, Nonny Nthlala as an Administrative Support and Rachel Zadok as a Communications Manager.
The current team members:
A Zimbabwean by birth, and a Capetonian by adoption, Oxford-educated Isla Haddow-Flood is a writer, editor and project strategist who is passionate about harnessing communication technology and media platforms for the advancement of open access to knowledge; specifically, knowledge that relates to and enhances the understanding of Africa via the Open Movement (and especially Wikipedia).
Isla Haddow-Flood
Founder, Co-Project Lead
A Wikipedian since 2002, a former Chair of Wikimedia Foundation, Florence Devouard was born in France where she currently lives. Initially trained as an Agricultural Engineer, she transitioned to non-profit leadership, intercultural project management, community building and skills transfer roles. She is a public speaker, writer, and a consultant. Above all, she loves to share her knowledge of new practices and online communities.
Florence Devouard
Founder, Co-Project Lead
Afek Ben Chahed, a Tunisian Women, librarian born in 1991. I've been working at the Diocesan Library of Tunis since 2017. Since 2016, I've also been involved with Wikimedia, serving as a Community Facilitator for Wiki In Africa. Additionally, I co-founded Africvs, a youth collective dedicated to documenting and celebrating Tunisian heritage. Outside of work, I'm passionate about music, writing, art, and history.
Afek Ben Chahed
Project Facilitator
A young Social Dynamics graduate and currently an enthusiastic Health and Fitness student completing their Diploma. Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, Nonny is extremely passionate about the integration of Mental Health and Sports/Physical Exercise, and what that can do for social and community development. She is currently working as an Administrative Assistant for the Wiki In Africa.
Nonny Ntlahla
Admin Support
An editor, writer and designer and the author of two novels: Gem Squash Tokoloshe (Pan Macmillan, 2005), shortlisted for The Whitbread First Novel Award and The John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, and longlisted for the IMPAC Award; and Sister-sister (Kwela Books, 2013), shortlisted for the University of Johannesburg Prize and The Herman Charles Bosman Prize, and longlisted for the Sunday Times Fiction Award. She is the managing editor of Short Story Day Africa.
Rachel Zadok
Communications Manager
Former team members:
Candy Tricia Khohliwe is long-term editor and belongs to the Wikimedia Botswana Usergroup. She has led two Wiki Loves Africa photo contest and a Art and Feminism edit-a-thon and panel discussion. Candy is passionate about empowering women and also playing a role in igniting women to discover their talents and learn new skills.
Candy Tricia Khohliwe
Project Facilitator