
Depleted Uranium Inventories

(last updated 21 Apr 2008)

> See also:

Depleted Uranium Stocks as of end of 1999
HolderCountryApproximate DU Stocks [t U]
as UF6as U3O8as metalTOTAL
DOE , USEC USA a)470,00010,000480,000
 Russia b)450,00010,000460,000
COGEMA , EURODIFFrance50,000140,000 190,000
BNFL United Kingdom30,000  30,000
Urenco Germany, Netherlands, UK16,000  16,000
JNC , JNFL Japan c)10,000  10,000
CNNC China d)2,000  2,000
KAERI Rep. of Korea200  200
 South Africa46973
t = metric tonne
a) As of mid-2000. See also: Compostion of the U.S. DOE Depleted Uranium Inventory (70k PDF).
    For more recent and detailed data, download Inventory of depleted uranium tails, Oct. 2, 2007 (PDF - U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce)
b) Estimate based on: Depleted Uranium from Enrichment, Uranium Institute, London 1996
c) As of February 2001
d) As of end of 2000
Source: OECD NEA 2001