
Ch 32 Page 250: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air | David MacKay

32   Saying yes

Because Britain currently gets 90% of its energy from fossil fuels, it’s no
surprise that getting off fossil fuels requires big, big changes – a total
change in the transport fleet; a complete change of most building heating
systems; and a 10- or 20-fold increase in green power.

Given the general tendency of the public to say “no” to wind farms,
“no” to nuclear power, “no” to tidal barrages – “no” to anything other
than fossil fuel power systems – I am worried that we won’t actually get
off fossil fuels when we need to. Instead, we’ll settle for half-measures:
slightly-more-efficient fossil-fuel power stations, cars, and home heating
systems; a fig-leaf of a carbon trading system; a sprinkling of wind turbines;
an inadequate number of nuclear power stations.

We need to choose a plan that adds up. It is possible to make a plan
that adds up, but it’s not going to be easy.

We need to stop saying no and start saying yes. We need to stop the
Punch and Judy show and get building.

If you would like an honest, realistic energy policy that adds up, please
tell all your political representatives and prospective political candidates.