Papers, 1842-1885, bulk: 1861-1865 |
The papers of George H. Gordon contain letters describing his 1847 military service with Gen. Winfield Scott during the Mexican War at the battles of Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Pueblo, Contreras, and Churubusco. In addition, there are letters, notes, maps, and other documents detailing Gordon's Civil War service, 1861-1865, as Colonel of the Second Massachusetts Regiment and later as Brigadier General, Army of the Potomac, including the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg and the defence of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Among the correspondents are John A. Andrew, Nathaniel P. Banks, Benjamin F. Butler, Benjamin R. Curtis, Wilder Dwight, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Lothrop Motley, Alfred H. Terry, and Henry Wilson. Line-a-day diaries for 1848-1885 are also available, which are particularly full for 1862-1864, as are documents concerning an 1864-1865 investigation of the administration of General Benjamin F. Butler