Publicity photographs of U.S. Senator Hugh Scott, 1958-1973 |

Negatives of publicity photographs taken by Senate photographers. Collection contains studio portraits of Scott and candid pictures of Senate activities, meetings, and press conferences. Of interest are photographs of his portrait by Louis Lupas. Photographs depict Scott with many Senate colleagues and national figures including Konrad Adenauer, George Aiken, Spiro Agnew, Gordon Allott, J. Glenn Beall, David Ben-Gurion, Hale Boggs, Willy Brandt, Edward Brooke, Prescott S. Bush, Clifford Case, Joe Clark, John S. Cooper, Walter Cronkite, John Danforth, Thomas Dewey, Douglas Dillon, Everett Dirkson, Thomas Dodd, Bob Dole, and Peter Dominick