Letter from Warren Hastings, Daylesford House, to Lady Beaumont, 1811 October 15 : autograph manuscript signed |

Apologizing for the delay in his return of a book she loaned him; explaining that he " ... might have return it immediately, if I could have been assured of the safety of any channel of conveyance that was presented to me; as all the roads that lie in the direction of Coalorton are widely distant from this place. After many inquiries and ineffectual contrivances, I at length ventured to intrust the book to the charge of a careful person, who took it to Shipston on Friday last, and delivered it there to the postman who engaged for his safe conveyance to Leicester, and that it should be forwarded from thence to its destination;" asking her to let him know if she has not received it and thanking her and Sir George Beaumont " ... for the public attention" which he recently received from them