Presidential and gubernatorial documents, 1864-1866 |
3 presidential endorsements, 1 presidential pardon, & 1 gubernatorial endorsement. The endorsed items were referred to the War Dept. and include: a letter from Capt. James F. Rusling to Senator Henry Wilson requesting action on his pending promotion to Chief Quartermaster, Dept. of the Cumberland (1865 Jan. 27-28); a folder for the papers of 12 people (1865 Apr. 27); the envelope of a petition from property owners in Charleston, S.C. (1865 Aug. 19); and a memorandum revoking 1st Lt. E.L. Appleton's dishonorable discharge (1866 Mar. 28). Also, a presidential pardon of Confederate soldier J.S. McDowell of Ky. (1866 June 13). Note, Aug. 31, 1864, to Capt. [Hurt] requesting 7 days rations be given to Miss Lucy Ann Johnson