Richard Harding Davis Letters concerning South Africa and the Boer War, 1899-1900 |

Letters and documents by Richard Harding Davis and his wife Cecil describe their voyages to and from South Africa, the cities of Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, and his coverage of the Boer War from both the British and the Boer sides. There are references to Sir Alfred Beit, James Gordon Bennett, Jr., General Buller, Louis Botha, Winston Churchill, Lady Randolph Churchill, Piet Cronjé, Christiaan de Wet, Lord Alfred Harmsworth, John Hay, Rudyard Kipling, Herbert Kitchener, Paul Kruger, Otto von Lossberg, Paul Sanford Methuen, Sir Alfred Milner, Lord Frederick Roberts, Allen Sangree, George W. Steevens, President M.T. Steyn, Henry Somers Somerset, H.J. Whigham, Sir George Stuart White, Sir Evelyn Wood