Ames Library manuscript collection, 1627-1978 (bulk 1758-1955) |

A collection of letterbooks, correspondence, diaries, journals, albums (of photographs, lithographs, watercolor paintings, newspaper clippings), ships logs, reports and maps about the British experience in India, Ceylon, Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal. Highlights of the collection include official and personal correspondence of Warren Hastings (including 100 letters to Nathaniel Halhed), the papers of Lord Clive, correspondence betwen Lords Wellesley and Melville (including secret and confidential correspondence in cipher), letterbooks of Admiral Cornwallis to the Admiralty and to the captains under his command, a profusely illustrated signal book serving as a compendium of communication protocol at sea, correspondence of W.H. Sleeman, papers of Hector Bolitho largely centered around his Jinnah book, a collection of the writings and miscellaneous papers of Lionel James, a collection of reports and original maps relating to the Burma-China Boundary Commission, a collection relating to the history of Ceylon during the period of its conquest by Great Britain from the Dutch, and diaries, correspondence and reports relating to the Mutiny