William Longman manuscript material : 10 items, 1839-1844 |

· To Lady Blessington, writer and literary hostess : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 16 Sep 1839 : (BLES 3.256) : from London : begins, "I beg to enclose for your acceptance six copies of the second edition of the 'Desultory Thoughts.' I am sorry I was not able to send them sooner ..."--1 autograph letter signed : 27 Dec 1839 : (BLES 3.257a) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "It would have given me great pleasure to oblige you by informing you of the sales of the Book of Beauty, &c.; but as the works are not our property, only selling them on commission for Mr. Heath, I really do not feel myself at liberty to do so." With an excised stamped letter cover address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 31 Oct 1840 : (BLES 3.257b) : from 39 Paternoster Row : begins, "I am much obliged by you sending me the French translation of your little work." With an excised letter cover address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Mar 1843 : (BLES 3.258b) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "Enclosed I have the pleasure to send you an early copy of a book I think you cannot fail to be much amused with ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Apr 1843 : (BLES 3.259b) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "If you have determined on the title of your new novel I think it would be desirable to announce it in our monthly list for May 1st." With an excised stamped envelope address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 15 Jun 1843 : (BLES 3.259a) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "The American publishers, Messrs. Lee & Blanchard of Philadelphia have made us an offer of five pounds for the early sheets of your forthcoming novel, 'Meredith' ... ; with an excised stamped envelope address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 1 Jul 1843 : (BLES 3.260a) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "I take the liberty of introducing you to Mr. Bernard Tauchnitz, of Leipzig, the nephew of a well-known and respectable publisher in that city. With an excised stamped envelope address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 21 Oct 1843 : (BLES 3.261b) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "I regret to inform you that Meridith [sic] has not hitherto had the success I had anticipated." With an excised letter cover address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 3 Nov 1843 : (BLES 3.262a) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "I find by your note of yesterday that you are under some little misapprehension with regard to Meridith [sic]. We subscribed 300 copies, and have since sold 84 ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 1 May 1844 : (BLES 3.262b) : from Paternoster Row : begins, "I am glad to hear you are so much pleased with Lady Willoughby." -- All letters to Lady Blessington mounted in v. 3 of the Blessington Papers. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes