Mrs. Delany correspondence, 1780-1788 |

Manuscript, in multiple hands, of 51 letters from Delany to her friend, Mary (Hamilton) Dickenson; several of them have been annotated by Dickenson. Some of the letters are in Delany's hand; others are in the hand of her niece Georgina Mary Anne Port and other secretaries. The letters contain primarily matters of routine correspondence, including invitations to tea; numerous references to Miss Hamilton's enviable proximity to the Queen and Delany's delight with the reception of a locket containing a lock of the Queen's hair; and inquiries and updates about the health of various acquaintances. Occasionally Delany sends her artwork to Miss Hamilton, and on June 22, 1785, she sends her congratulations on Miss Hamilton's marriage to John Dickenson. The collection also includes one letter to "Sally Sandford" asking her to entreat Delany's godson to visit Mrs. Dickenson