Commonplace book containing poetry, circa 1780-1790 |

Manuscript volume, in at least two hands, containing mainly occasional, comic, and sentimental poems, most by late 18th-century poets, including Charlotte Smith, William Mason, Christopher Anstey, William Cowper, and George Colman. Items related to Samuel Johnson and his circle include a copy of Colman's "A Posthumous Work of S. Johnson. An Ode;" a translation of Johnson's "Ode on the Isle of Skye" by a Miss Leigh; prose anecdotes of Samuel Johnson and of David Garrick; an extract from Goldsmith's work and a copy of his epitaph; and a prose "Short History of the Percy Family." The volume also contains two poems by Marvell; several theater-related poems, including "Verses Addressed to Mrs. Siddons on Her Going into Ireland;" and a description of the actress Mrs. Esten's first stage appearance in London