Henry Wilson papers, 1851-1875 |

Volume consisting primarily of letters received together with copies of some outgoing correspondence. Also includes several loose letters, a manuscript poem, "No Slave Beneath the Flag" dedicated to Wilson by its author, George Lansing Taylor, and printed matter. Subjects include Massachusetts state and national politics, abolition, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. Other subjects include patronage, the organization of the U.S. Army, and the caning of Charles Sumner on May 22, 1856, in the U.S. Senate. Includes a letter (1874 Septermber; Carlsbad, Bohemia) of E.B. Washburne, onlooker at the 1st Battle of Bull Run, Va., 1861, containing a detailed account of the battle; and other correspondence concerning the Peninsular Campaign (1862) the Siege of Petersburg, Va. (1864-1865), and fugitive slaves. Correspondents include George Ashmun, Nathaniel Prentiss Banks, William W. Belknap, Benjamin F. Butler, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Schuyler Colfax, John A. Dix, Neal Dow, Hamilton Fish, William Lloyd Garrison, Willis Arnold Gorman, Ulysses S. Grant, Adam Gurowski, Hannibal Hamlin, Joseph Hooker, John Jay, Benson John Lossing, Harriet Martineau, George Gordon Meade, Theodore Parker, William H. Seward, Philip Henry Sheridan, Gerrit Smith, Edwin M. Stanton, Charles Sumner, Thurlow Weed, and Richard Yates