Brooks-Keyes family papers, 1761-1908 |
Papers of the related Brooks and Keyes families, including correspondence and other papers of Mass. Gov. John Brooks, 1786-1825; letters to Edward L. Keyes, the husband of John Brooks' granddaughter Lucy, 1845-1853; and two volumes kept by Keyes' daughter, Caroline Florence (Keyes) Mudge. John Brooks correspondence includes letters from Gov. James Bowdoin and John J. Spooner about an expedition to "apprehend certain characters" in Shrewsbury, Mass. during Shays' Rebellion; resolutions regarding the death of his son John Brooks (d. 1813) at the Battle of Lake Erie; and letters from Brooks to John Quincy Adams and Alexander S. Brooks on political matters. Other correspondents include William Hull, John Brooks (d. 1813), Levi Lincoln, Peter Chardon Brooks, and Edward Livingston. The collection also contains John Brooks' commission as Massachusetts marshal signed by George Washington and Timothy Pickering, 7 Nov. 1795; various appointments of John Brooks signed by Henry Knox, James Bowdoin, Caleb Strong, and William Eustis; and other Brooks family documents, 1761-1832