Promptbooks for productions of Shakespeare's Cymbeline, 1806-1950 |

Includes two anonymous promptbooks (nos. 46 and 48); a well-marked book used by James Bates at Covent Garden, Warren and Reinagle in Philadelphia and Mary Jones Roberts and J. Jones (no. 45); actor's part book marked by John Philip Kemble for Iachimo with additional notes and signature of George Frederick Cooke, Covent Garden, 1806 (no. 47); Charles Kean's promptbook for a production that apparently didn't take place, marked by George Ellis and possibly by T.W. Edmonds (no. 49); promptbook marked by James H. Taylor (no. 50); memorial promptbook for Adelaide Neilson's portrayal of Imogen at Daly's Fifthe Avenue Theatre, N.Y. 1877 (no. 51); printed acting edition for Helena Modjeska's performance signed by C.S. Bellows (no. 52); actor's partbook for Cymbeline signed on cover by John Swinburne (no. 53); a director's preparation copy and ms. notebook for Theodore Komisarjevsky's open-air production, Montreal Canada, 1950 (nos. 54 and 55)