Bratuseni Weather - Gagauzia, MD
- ️Fri Feb 14 2025
- Effective:
- 2025-02-14T14:29:15+02:00 Expires:
- 2025-02-15T23:00:00+02:00 Certainty:
- Likely Event:
- Roadway icing warning Type:
- Update Severity:
- Moderate Urgency:
- Future Areas:
- Chernivtsi oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Khmelnytskyi oblast, Lviv oblast, Rivne oblast, Ternopil oblast, Volyn oblast, Zakarpattia oblast
Roadway icing.
- Effective:
- 2025-02-14T14:29:15+02:00 Expires:
- 2025-02-15T23:00:00+02:00 Certainty:
- Likely Event:
- Roadway icing warning Type:
- Update Severity:
- Moderate Urgency:
- Future Areas:
- Chernivtsi oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Khmelnytskyi oblast, Lviv oblast, Rivne oblast, Ternopil oblast, Volyn oblast, Zakarpattia oblast
Roadway icing.
- Effective:
- 2025-02-14T14:29:15+02:00 Expires:
- 2025-02-15T23:00:00+02:00 Certainty:
- Likely Event:
- Roadway icing warning Type:
- Update Severity:
- Moderate Urgency:
- Future Areas:
- Chernivtsi oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Khmelnytskyi oblast, Lviv oblast, Rivne oblast, Ternopil oblast, Volyn oblast, Zakarpattia oblast
Roadway icing.
Local time is Sat 15th Feb 11:16 am
Weather in Bratuseni
12 pm -2 °c | 3 pm -1 °c | 6 pm -3 °c | 9 pm -4 °c | 12 am -4 °c | 3 am -5 °c | 6 am -5 °c | 9 am -4 °c |
Bratuseni Weather This Week
Bratuseni, Moldova weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 2°c / 35°f on Wed 26. Min temperature will be -8°c / 18°f on Sun 23. Most precipitation falling will be 0.89 mm / 0.04 inch on Mon 24. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 25 kmph / 15 mph on Sat 15.
UV Index
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Weather in Bratuseni Today
Temperature Wind Humidity Rain Cloud Pressure |
Saturday Partly Cloudy -4°c 24 km/h 72% 0.0 mm 35% 1020 mb |
Saturday Cloudy -2°c 23 km/h 46% 0.0 mm 65% 1022 mb |
Saturday Clear -3°c 10 km/h 53% 0.0 mm 15% 1021 mb |
Saturday Clear -4°c 8 km/h 57% 0.0 mm 5% 1022 mb |
Weather in Bratuseni Tomorrow
14 Day Weather Bratuseni
High Low Wind Cloud Rain Pressure Humidity Sunrise Sunset |
Saturday Partly Clo... -1°c -4°c 25 km/h 43% 0.1 mm 1021 mb 61% 07:19 AM 05:34 PM |
Sunday Partly Clo... 0°c -5°c 17 km/h 36% 0.0 mm 1022 mb 53% 07:17 AM 05:35 PM |
Monday Sunny -3°c -7°c 14 km/h 15% 0.0 mm 1028 mb 50% 07:15 AM 05:37 PM |
Tuesday Overcast -2°c -7°c 13 km/h 65% 0.0 mm 1030 mb 46% 07:14 AM 05:39 PM |
Wednesday Sunny 0°c -6°c 15 km/h 5% 0.0 mm 1033 mb 50% 07:12 AM 05:40 PM |
Thursday Cloudy 1°c -4°c 13 km/h 70% 0.0 mm 1036 mb 66% 07:10 AM 05:42 PM |
High Low Wind Cloud Rain Pressure Humidity Sunrise Sunset |
Friday Sunny -1°c -5°c 12 km/h 9% 0.0 mm 1040 mb 55% 07:08 AM 05:43 PM |
Saturday Sunny -2°c -7°c 18 km/h 18% 0.0 mm 1044 mb 55% 07:06 AM 05:45 PM |
Sunday Sunny -2°c -8°c 13 km/h 22% 0.0 mm 1044 mb 49% 07:04 AM 05:47 PM |
Monday Moderate s... 1°c -5°c 19 km/h 92% 0.9 mm 1029 mb 71% 07:02 AM 05:48 PM |
Tuesday Light snow 2°c -1°c 17 km/h 100% 0.4 mm 1030 mb 91% 07:01 AM 05:50 PM |
Wednesday Light snow 2°c -1°c 9 km/h 98% 0.2 mm 1033 mb 84% 06:59 AM 05:51 PM |
Best months to visit Bratuseni?
January and February are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Bratuseni forecast these months temperature to be around 0°c and average of 100.2941 hours of sunshine in a month.
Coldest months of Bratuseni?
January and February are the coldest months with temperature at around -5°c.
Bratuseni Meteogram
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Which months receive most rainfall in Bratuseni?
June and July receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 95.22mm.
Travelling to Bratuseni? Check out our Weather averages of Bratuseni to better plan your holiday or travel.
If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Bratuseni section.
Weather in Bratuseni in February
Temperature hovers around 2°c and at night it feels like -3°c. In February, Bratuseni gets 30.45mm of rain and approximately 6 rainy days in the month. Humidity is close to 84%.