Admiral Odesyus

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
AllianceAdmiral Odesyus
Image of Admiral Odesyus
Title <Alliance Naval Command>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind, Alliance Naval Command, Alliance navy
Occupation Admiral
Location Azuremyst Isle[47.0, 70.2]
Status Alive

Admiral Odesyus is a human quest giver located at Odesyus' Landing in Azuremyst Isle. He is the leader of his fleet, of which the crew can be found around the landing. His navigational compass and maps have been stolen lately by Venture Co. goblins.

Odesyus is one of the many who journey to Blood Watch to celebrate the hero of Bloodmyst and Azuremyst.




Watch your step around here, stranger.

After A [1-30] Show Gnomercy
  • I wonder how many more of them live among us. I knew Spark for years - never could I have imagined that he was a traitor.
  • Truth be told, I never liked that gnome...
  • We are lucky to have survived this ordeal. If it wasn't for you, everyone on this island could have been killed!
  • The story of your journey will be told for years to come!
  • All hail the exalted hero!
  • I finally have a story to tell my grandchildren about... A traitor to the kingdom was living among us!
In Blood Watch

A glorious victory!

Gossip during A IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female [1-30] The Unwritten Prophecy

You've come a long way, <name>. A long way indeed... But I knew you were destined for great things. We all knew. All hail <name>!

And thanks again for taking care of our gnome problem...

Conversation with Cookie
Admiral Odesyus says: Hey, Cookie! What's for dinner tonight? And don't say chicken!
Cookie walks over a bit from his table to get within speaking distance.
"Cookie" McWeaksauce says: Yarr, Admiral. Let me think about it... Arrr... It be comin' into focus.
"Cookie" McWeaksauce says: It looks like it be succulent pork ribs basted with its own delectable juices and a side o' Captain Sander's Secret Sauce - fer dippin'.
"Cookie" McWeaksauce says: And fer dessert we be havin' cheesecake, flown in fresh from Stormwind on the wings o' angels...
Admiral Odesyus says: Wow! Really?
"Cookie" McWeaksauce says: No. Not really...
Cookie snaps out his shotgun and shoots a chicken in front of them.
"Cookie" McWeaksauce says: It be chicken...
Admiral Odesyus says: I hate you so much, Cookie.


  • He is likely named after the legendary Greek hero Odysseus, who was also a sailor, he was a major character of Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

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