
  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Image of Agogridon
Gender Male
Race Annihilan (Demon)
Level 10-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shadowbreak Ravine, Desolace[82, 80.61]
Status Killable

Agogridon is an annihilan located at the top of Shadowbreak Ravine in Desolace during N [10-30] Death to Agogridon. Players kill him with the help of Khan Leh'Prah, Khan Kammah, and Khan Shodo in order to defeat the Burning Blade army in Shok'Thokar.


  • Spell shadow cripple Cripple — Increased[sic] the time between an enemy's attacks by 100% and its movement by 50%, in addition to reducing its Strength by 50%. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Spell holy dispelmagic Dispel Magic — Dispels magic on the target, removing 1 harmful spell from an ally or 1 beneficial spell from an enemy.
  • Spell shadow rainoffire Rain of Fire — Calls down a molten rain, burning all enemies in a selected area, dealing Fire damage every 3 sec. for 9 sec.
  • Ability bullrush War Stomp — Inflicts normal damage plus 150 to nearby enemies, stunning them for 4 sec.

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