Armorsmithing plans

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  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
  • The in-game information in this article is kept purely for historical purposes.
Blacksmithing plans

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Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Artisan Armorsmithing proficiency can be trained as early as level 30 and 200* skill and permits access to the following plans:

Armorsmith Blacksmithing Recipes
Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) Item Ingredients Source
260 (280, 300) Inv pants mail 10 [Windforged Leggings] 16 Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2 Spell nature cyclone [Breath of Wind]
260 (280, 300) Inv pants plate 17 [Earthforged Leggings] 16 Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2 Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
330 (340, 360) Inv chest plate06 [Heavy Earthforged Breastplate] 8 Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
4 Inv elemental primal earth [Primal Earth]
330 (340, 360) {Inv chest chain 17 [Stormforged Hauberk] 8 Inv ingot 10 [Adamantite Bar]
2 Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]
2 Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
Upgradable Chain Chestpiece
Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) Item Ingredients Source
350 (360, 380) Inv chest chain 17 [Nether Plate Shirt] 6 Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar]
4 Inv ingot felsteel [Felsteel Bar]
8 Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
20 Inv elemental primal shadow [Primal Shadow]
20 Inv elemental primal air [Primal Air]
375 (385, 405) Inv chest chain 17 [Twisting Nether Plate Shirt] 1 Inv chest chain 17 [Nether Plate Shirt]
10 Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
10 Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
375 (385, 405) Inv chest chain 17 [Embrace of the Twisting Nether] 1 Inv chest chain 17 [Twisting Nether Plate Shirt]
5 Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
Upgradable Plate Chestpiece
Req. (Skillup, No Skillup) Item Ingredients Source
350 (360, 380) Inv chest plate14 [Breastplate of Kings] 6 Inv ingot adamantite [Hardened Adamantite Bar]
6 Inv ingot 11 [Eternium Bar]
8 Inv ingot 09 [Khorium Bar]
8 Spell nature lightningoverload [Primal Might]
375 (385, 405) Inv chest plate16 [Bulwark of Kings] 1 Inv chest plate14 [Breastplate of Kings]
10 Inv elemental primal nether [Primal Nether]
10 Inv elemental primal mana [Primal Mana]
375 (385, 405) Inv chest plate16 [Bulwark of the Ancient Kings] 1 Inv chest plate16 [Bulwark of Kings]
2 Inv elemental mote nether [Nether Vortex]
  • *Note: Although the quest line for Artisan Armorsmith may begin at a skill of 200, a skill of 230 is needed in order to obtain all of the plans needed to complete the quest chains involved.