Barracks (Orgrimmar)

  • ️Tue Oct 13 2020
Barracks Orgrimmar

The Barracks.

The Barracks is located in the Valley of Honor of Orgrimmar. It is the repurposed Hall of the Brave and serves as a class hub.


  • Class trainers
  • Vendors

Notes and trivia[]

  • Early development versions of the Barracks originally had Order of the Silver Hand iconography for the paladin section.[1]
    • This was later changed with all Silver Hand symbols replaced by Blood Knight or Silvermoon iconography. This was likely done due to the fact that the Order appears to have become Alliance exclusive again as of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.
  • Most class trainers appear to be affiliated with the Order Halls from Legion, as they hold banners from these organizations behind them. The only exception to this is the aforementioned paladin trainer and the warrior trainer; who instead displays a Horde crest behind him.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Ian Bates on Twitter: "The mag'har have lost their mini-capital and its now an area for class trainers (Geya'rah and a couple patrolling ones are still outside though)." (with associated picture)