Blasted Lands

  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
For how the Blasted Lands was prior to Cataclysm, see Blasted Lands (Classic).
NeutralBlasted Lands
Level: 15-30
Battle Pet Level: 16 - 17
Dp blasted
Capital(s) Neutral Nethergarde Keep (ruined)
Neutral Okril'lon Hold
Races HumanHuman Human
Mag'har orcMag'har orcOrcOrc Orc
OgreOgre Ogre
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
MurlocMurloc Murloc
NagaNaga Naga
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
WorgenWorgen Worgen
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Night elfNight elf Night elf
Lost one Lost one
Ruler(s) Alliance IconSmall Human Male Mayor Charlton Connisport
Former ruler(s) Iron Horde Emblem IconSmall Mag'har Male Gar'mak Bladetwist †
Major settlements Alliance Surwich
Mob Bloodwash Cavern
Minor settlements Alliance Shattered Beachhead
Horde Shattered Landing
Horde Sunveil Excursion
Mob Dreadmaul Post
Affiliation Stormwind, Gilneas, Alliance, Reliquary, Horde, Kirin Tor, Dalaran, Dreadmaul ogres, Bloodwash naga
Former affiliation(s) Ironmarch, Iron Horde, Burning Legion
Location Southeastern Azeroth
PvP status Contested territory

“War does not simply visit these lands, it lives here. The violence thrives in the past, present, and future...”


The Blasted Lands bear that name for a reason: they were twisted by the magic that brought the Dark Portal into being, spewing the rampaging orcish Horde into Azeroth. Though the original portal was destroyed by Khadgar in the Second War, it was later rebuilt for Ner'zhul's Horde to cross.

Leading into the remains of Draenor, the shattered world of Outland, the portal was reconfigured to lead towards an alternate past incarnation of that world, thirty-five years in the past from where the Iron Horde came.


Serpent's Coil Blasted Lands

Serpent's Coil.

Dark Portal Active Red

The Dark Portal since the invasion of the Iron Horde.

This foul desert was once the southern part of a dark fen of marshlands called the Black Morass; the northern part being the Swamp of Sorrows. This is the area where the orcish Horde first entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal, followed soon by their attack on the human lands to the northwest. The lands around the former Dark Portal are burnt and dead, forever warped by the powers that followed its destruction. Lightning strikes are constant, and the inhospitable land is home to groups of especially vicious and powerful creatures. Consequently, Nethergarde Keep was built after the Second War — following the destruction of the first Dark Portal — at the behest of Archmage Khadgar and the Kirin Tor to ensure that there would be no further invasions from Draenor.

An uneasy peace followed for two years, until the Horde of Draenor reopened the Dark Portal and invaded Azeroth again. They besieged Nethergarde Keep. The Alliance eventually managed to send an expedition through the Dark Portal, but even after that, battles still raged for the control of the Azerothian side of the Portal for months, with the two sides repeatedly winning and losing control of it.[1]

Following the Third War, and the defeat of the Burning Legion at Mount Hyjal, the colossal Ered'ruin Lord Kazzak led many of the remaining Legion forces on Azeroth in the Tainted Scar,[2] and ordered his most fearsome lieutenant Razelikh the Defiler to secure the land.[3]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

As if the orcish Horde weren't enough, Dreadmaul ogres also came through the Dark Portal but unlike the orcs, they remained in the Blasted Lands. Nethergarde’s mages tell that the ogres serve Lord Kazzak. Whoever their master is, he orders them to attack the Alliance's keep on an uncomfortably regular basis.

The Burning Crusade[]

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Stub Please add any available information to this section.
Prior to the start of the invasion of Outland, the Blasted Lands were the site of a battle between the Argent Dawn, the Alliance and the Horde against the demons of the Burning Legion who reopened the Dark Portal.[4]

Wrath of the Lich King[]

The area was also invaded twice by the Scourge in the years leading to the war against the Lich King.[5]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the Cataclysm, the Horde's Okril'lon forces took control over Dreadmaul Hold. In the south of the region, the Gilnean druid Marl Wormthorn tried to return the Blasted Lands to its old splendor turning much of the Tainted Scar into the Tainted Forest, but because of the demonic powers around the area, the forest and Marl were corrupted. His followers built a small fishing village, Surwich near the edge of the forest. The blood elves of the Reliquary built a small camp not far from the Tainted Forest in search of demonic artifacts hidden in the region.

The conflict between the Alliance and Horde raged in the northern part of the region for a time, focused mainly on the Nethergarde's supply base located between Dreadmaul Hold and Nethergarde Keep. The Burning Legion forces were thrown into disarray after the defeat of Razelikh the Defiler at the hands of Loramus Thalipedes and a brave soul who accompanied him.

Warlords of Draenor[]

Stub This section is a lore stub.

The next years have brought yet another danger towards Azeroth's very doorstep when the history itself came full circle. Kairozdormu brought Garrosh to the past in of an alternate Draenor where the deposed Warchief instigated the transformation of the Orcish Horde into the Iron Horde. Now he's used their own Dark Portal to bridge the parallel Draenor with Azeroth-prime, allowing the Ironmarch vanguard force of the Iron Horde to come through the Dark Portal and occupy the land along with the vengeful Dreadmaul ogres. By bridging between the two realities, the Dark portal turned into red. The Iron horde captured Okril'lon Hold and destroyed Nethergarde Keep during the initial stages of their invasion.

Getting there[]


This desolate and barren land has very little in the way of flora and fauna (the only exception is the Tainted Forest) barring the demons which now wander the plains. The region is particularly notable as of the Dark Portal that leads to Draenor, (formerly leading to Outland).

The wretched land hosts few inhabitants and some important small settlements such as Nethergarde Keep, Dreadmaul Hold or Surwich. Magic that leaked through the Dark Portal warped the Blasted Lands, leaving an infertile desert landscape. Hardy desert species like basilisks, scorpions and hyenas have since colonized the area. The red rocks of the region do not come by their color naturally. The original tan color was transmuted into the unearthly crimson by searing heat and chaotic energies when the Dark Portal was destroyed.

There is but one usable road in the Blasted Lands, guarded at the north by Nethergarde Keep’s grim mages. They have the unenviable task of watching the Dark Portal, guarding the rest of the continent against the demons in the south and protecting themselves from the ogre tribes that roam the desert.

The weather here is dry and hot during the day and bitterly cold at night. Mountains block any moisture that may come from the Swamp of Sorrows to the north, and the only signs of life can be found within the Tainted Forest on the southwest, but it was corrupted by demonic powers that have taken hold over the mastermind behind the revitalization of the scorched scar, the Gilnean druid Marl Wormthorn.

There are no instanced dungeons or battlegrounds in this zone.

Maps and subregions[]

VZ-Blasted Lands-t1

Map of the Blasted Lands post-Iron Horde Incursion.

VZ-Blasted Lands

Map of the Blasted Lands pre-Iron Horde Incursion.

Note: Some of the subzones in the Blasted Lands were changed during the pre-patch for Warlords of Draenor. For players wishing to see the Blasted Lands as it was after Cataclysm but before the WoD pre-patch, you can visit an NPC called Zidormi next to the road at the border between the Blasted Lands and the Swamp of Sorrows.

Travel hubs[]


Nethergarde Keep.

Dreadmaul Hold cata

Dreadmaul Hold.

Alliance Flight paths from Nethergarde Keep[]
Horde Flight paths from Dreadmaul Hold[]
Horde Flight paths from Sunveil Excursion[]
Alliance Flight paths from Surwich[]

Adjacent regions[]

Zone Name Faction Level Range Direction Access
Swamp of Sorrows HordeAlliance 40 - 60 North By foot or flight path.
Hellfire Peninsula HordeAlliance 58 - 80 Center Through the Dark Portal.

Quest and travel hubs[]

Place Name Faction # of Quests Flight Path Notable Character
Dreadmaul Hold Horde ?? Yes ??
Nethergarde Keep Alliance ?? Yes ??
Sunveil Excursion Horde ?? Yes ??
Surwich Alliance ?? Yes ??

Notable characters[]


The Tainted Forest.

Main article: Blasted Lands NPCs


Main article: Blasted Lands storyline
Main article: Warlords of Draenor intro experience


Dig sites[]

Blasted Lands has two dig sites:

  1. Dreadmaul Post; contains Fossil Archaeology Fragments.
  2. The Red Reaches; contains Fossil Archaeology Fragments.

Wild creatures[]

In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos[]

According to the name, description, and tileset of a PvP map, there is a part of the Barrens that is also called "Blasted Lands", maybe by relation with thunder lizards, similarly to Thunder Ridge area.[6]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Blasted Lands bear that name for a reason: they were twisted by the magic that brought the Dark Portal into being, spewing the rampaging Horde into Azeroth. Now, the wretched land hosts few inhabitants and no significant settlements. There is but one usable road in the Blasted Lands, guarded at the north by the Alliance stronghold of Nethergarde Keep and its grim mages. They have the unenviable task of watching the Dark Portal, guarding the rest of the continent from the demons in the south and protecting themselves from the ogre tribes that roam the desert.[7]


This foul desert was once a fen of marshlands called the Black Morass, similar to the Swamp of Sorrows. When Medivh built the Dark Portal to connect Azeroth to the orcish homeworld of Draenor, the orcs poured through and began the first of the great wars. The orcs' arcane magic was so strong it consumed the swampland and left dry red clay. When the Alliance destroyed the Dark Portal, the spread of the taint stopped, but the Blasted Lands still cannot heal themselves.

As if the Horde was not enough at that time, Dreadmaul ogres also came through the Dark Portal. Unlike the orcs, they remained in the Blasted Lands. The mages of Nethergarde believe the ogres serve the demon Lord Kazzak. Whoever their master is, he orders them to attack the Alliance's keep on an uncomfortably regular basis.

At some point the Dark Portal was rebuilt, and it yet resonates with an evil thrum. Now it connects to the remains of Draenor, the shattered world of Outland.

One day the whole of Nethergarde Keep was struck by a mysterious illness, and the Dreadmaul ogres took the opportunity to attack. With sickness inside and a siege outside, the mages and warriors send messengers to retrieve anyone capable of wielding a sword or healing sickness.[8]


Magic that leaked through the Dark Portal warped the Blasted Lands, leaving an infertile desert landscape. This region does not welcome life of any form.[8] The weather here is dry and hot during the day and bitterly cold at night. Mountains block any moisture that may come from the Swamp of Sorrows to the north, and no rivers grace this land. The eastern coast will occasionally get storms from the sea, but these downpours come so quickly the water merely runs off the packed earth and back into the sea.[7]

The Blasted Lands have the Alliance powers guarding the north, the demon infestation in the south, and ogre tribes in the middle.[8]

Notes and trivia[]

  • During the Second War, starting from Blackrock Mountain, it took Turalyon's Alliance armies a week to reach the borders of the Swamp of Sorrows, then another week to reach the Black Morass, and then another few days to finally reach the Dark Portal.[9]
  • During the Iron Horde invasion, places like Altar of Storms, The Tainted Scar, The Tainted Forest, Surwich, and Sunveil Excursion were completely empty. It is most likely developers' oversight or perhaps done on purpose, because the entire zone is phased, and none of the quests take place in these regions.
  • Level 90+ players can talk to Zidormi in order to switch between the normal and phased version of the zone.
  • Those with the Burning Crusade and at least level 57 are able to use the now reopened Dark Portal to reach Hellfire Peninsula in Outland, although it is recommended to wait until level 58 as quests are very limited at 57. The Dark Portal, like Shattrath City, is a sanctuary and therefore combat there is prohibited, even between PvP flagged players.
  • The occasional lightning that strikes the ground near the Dark Portal cannot hurt you in any way.
  • There are no mailboxes for Horde players in this zone, while the Alliance has two.
  • Interestingly, the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual originally implied that the Dark Portal was making the land more sick[10] and swamp-like[11] instead of making it burnt and dead.
  • The Blasted Lands were inspired from Greater Sudbury, Ontario, a mining town whose soil was made nickel-rich by a meteor strike long ago, notably its desolate surroundings and its blackened rocks that had been discolored by acid rain.[12]


  • Concept art

    Concept art

  • Rise of the Defiler.

    Rise of the Defiler.

  • Nethergarde Mines.

    Nethergarde Mines.

  • Concept art

    Concept art

Patch changes[]


External links[]


Map of the Eastern Kingdoms

Khaz Modan