Bloodscale tribe

NeutralBloodscale tribe
Bloodscale Enclave

One of their settlements

Main leader Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall Naga Female Rajis Fyashe †
Race(s) IconSmall Naga MaleIconSmall Naga Female Naga
IconSmall Broken Male Broken (slaves)
IconSmall Water Water elemental (servants)
Invisible stalker (servants)
Character classes Mage, Warrior
Capital Bloodscale Grounds
Other major settlements Bloodscale Enclave
Theater of operations Zangarmarsh
Affiliation Illidan's Naga, Illidan's forces
Status Unknown
Wanted Poster

The Bloodscale tribe[1] is a tribe of Illidan's Naga based in Zangarmarsh. Their presence threatens the broken, trolls, sporelings, and Cenarion Expedition that have carved out holdings in the area. They are served by water elementals and sentries.[2]


The Bloodscale have enslaved part of the Wrekt brokens, they use them to lumber mushrooms. Some of these Wrekt are sent to the islands in Marshlight Lake by the naga, and are eaten by the bogstrok Terrorclaw. Maktu was of these enslaved broken but managed to escape from the naga.[3]

Ever since the Cenarion Expedition set in Zangarmarsh this naga have launched lethal attacks against them without warning, in response of this Warden Hamoot, responsable of the expedition's security, is sending heroes to defeat these naga and the Darkcrest naga.[4] He had also put a wanted poster, seeking the head of their leader Rajis Fyashe and advising that the Bloodscale are extremely dangerous.[5] These attacks are sent because the Bloodscale naga oversee two of the four steam pumps that are used to drain the water of Zangarmarsh, they are in charge of the one in Serpent Lake and the one in Marshlight Lake.[6][7]

The Bloodscale have also begun to kill sporeggar and they are looking for help to attack the naga.[8][9][10]

The Darkspear Trolls of Zabra'jin are threatened by this naga.[11]

The Steam Pump Overseers control the steam pumps and carry the Inv scroll 08 [Drain Schematics], which are documents that had their plan annotated.[12] In one of the setlements of the Bloodscale there is a Coilfang Emissary, probably to mantain the Bloodscale informed.


  • Naga[]

    Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

    • Bloodscale Myrmidon
    • Bloodscale Sea Witch
  • Elementals[]




  1. ^ Wanted Poster
  2. ^;source=live
  3. ^ A [10-30] The Terror of Marshlight Lake, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Puluu.
  4. ^ N [10-30] A Warm Welcome, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Warden Hamoot.
  5. ^ N [10-30] Leader of the Bloodscale, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Wanted poster.
  6. ^ N [10-30] Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Ysiel Windsinger.
  7. ^ N [10-30] Balance Must Be Preserved, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Ysiel Windsinger.
  8. ^ N [10-30] Now That We're Friends..., World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Gzhun'tt.
  9. ^ N [10-30] Now That We're Still Friends..., World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Gzhun'tt.
  10. ^ N [10-30] Fertile Spores, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Gshaff.
  11. ^ H [20-30] The Ogre Threat, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Shadow Hunter Denjai.
  12. ^ N [10-30] Drain Schematics, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment. Zangarmarsh. Ysiel Windsinger.