Calia Menethil

  • ️Tue Sep 24 2019
"Calia" redirects here. For the human rogue with the same name, see Calia Hastings. For the demon hunter, see Illidari Calia.
HordeCalia Menethil
Image of Calia Menethil
Title Princess,
The Pallid Lady
Gender Female
Race(s) Undead, formerly human (Humanoid)
Class Discipline priestess
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Desolate Council, Forsaken, Undercity, Horde, Conclave
Former affiliation(s) Kingdom of Lordaeron
Occupation Councilor of the Forsaken, member of the Desolate Council, Champion of the Conclave
Former occupation(s) Princess of Lordaeron[1][2]
Location Various
Status Active (Undead)
Relative(s) Terenas (father),
Lianne (mother),
Arthas (younger brother),
Unnamed husband,[3]
Unnamed daughter[3]
Mentor(s) Alonsus Faol

“I am not yet ready to rule. But I wish to serve the people of Lordaeron. They are my people, and now I am like them. It feels... right. I'll learn. And from the archbishop, I'll learn what it's like to be... this. To be undead yet walk in the Light.”

— Calia to Anduin Wrynn after her resurrection[4]

Calia Menethil of Lordaeron, styled "the Pallid Lady", is the daughter of King Terenas Menethil II and Queen Lianne, and the older sister of Prince Arthas. Once the princess of the fallen kingdom, she is now a member of the Desolate Council of the Forsaken after having been raised into undeath by the Holy Light.

Calia survived the destruction of her homeland during the Third War and went into hiding for years, eventually reappearing as a priest alongside the undead Alonsus Faol during the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth.

Hoping to reunite with her lost husband and daughter, whom she had become separated from during the Third War, Calia later worked with King Anduin Wrynn to organize the Gathering, where undead Forsaken could get the opportunity to reunite with their living human relatives. During the event, Calia was slain by the Forsaken's ruler Sylvanas Windrunner, but was subsequently resurrected as an undead infused with the Light under the guidance of the naaru Saa'ra.

Alongside Derek Proudmoore, to whom she had grown close, Calia eventually joined the Forsaken, assisted in the reclamation of the Ruins of Lordaeron, and now serves as a member of the reformed Desolate Council governing the faction.


Early life[]

Calia is the eldest child of King Terenas Menethil II and Queen Lianne. She was two years older than her brother Arthas,[5] who was born in year 4 BDP,[6] which puts her birth at around 6 BDP. Although Calia was older, Arthas, as the firstborn son, was the heir apparent to the throne.[3] As such, Calia was never formally taught about politics, since no one ever expected her to rule.[4] Calia loved her brother[7] and the two got along "well enough".[5] She was doted on by her father,[8] but although Terenas was a kind and understanding man, he made clear that he would choose his son-in-law, and that Calia would agree to it.[3]

Calia was in the royal palace with her family during the Horde's Siege of Capital City during the Second War.[9] During the eleven-year-old Jaina Proudmoore's brief stay in Capital City, she and the fourteen-year-old Calia became close friends.[10]

When Calia was sixteen, still two years away from marriage, Terenas planned to betroth her against her will to the Alteraci noble Daval Prestor, who was secretly the black dragon Deathwing in disguise. Deathwing hoped that by taking control of Alterac and wedding the daughter of one of the Alliance's most powerful monarchs, he would put himself in a political position from which he could undermine and destroy humanity from within.[11][12] Calia was deeply upset at the idea of being forced to marry a man she didn't know, but Terenas, who was in secret being magically controlled by Deathwing, refused to accept her protests. Calia made Arthas promise to not do the same thing to his own children and to marry a woman who loved him.[8] Following the Battle of Grim Batol, Prestor disappeared and the plans of his betrothal to Calia dwindled away.[13]

Five years later, Calia attended Arthas' ceremony to become a member of the Knights of the Silver Hand in Stormwind City. After the ceremony, she hugged her brother and told him that his family was proud of him.[14] As Arthas grew up and Terenas turned his attention toward him, Calia fell in love with someone her father would never have approved of: a Lordaeron footman. It was her way of bucking Terenas' plan for her; had she been heir to the throne, she would have gone along with it.

Once in the dark of night, they snuck away and begged a priestess to marry them; when the woman refused, the couple returned many times until she finally agreed. Eventually, Calia became pregnant and confided in her mother Lianne. While at first furious, Lianne could tell from Calia's face that it was true love and aided her in keeping her relationship and pregnancy a secret after she was assured that her grandchild would be legitimate. A few weeks after giving birth, it was decided the father would raise their daughter away from Lordaeron, ignorant of her birthright. Lianne promised that once Arthas was properly wed and produced an heir, they would acknowledge Calia's daughter and possibly elevate her husband to a nobleman's status.[15][3]

Calia once listened to Benedictus Voss's sermons.[16] She had met and knew Archbishop Alonsus Faol well enough to easily recognize his face.[15] She and the great Lordaeronian historian Parqual Fintallas also knew each other.[17]

Third War[]

Calia was officially thought to have perished on the day Arthas murdered their father.[18] Arthas himself believed his sister to have died,[19] but in truth, she survived. Calia doesn't remember much of the time,[3] other than that she at one point hid in a muddy trench for two days to avoid prowling ghouls.[20]

Eventually, Calia made her way to Southshore, where her husband and child had been hidden away and were safe from the Scourge, and tearfully reunited with her beloved family. With everyone assuming she was dead she lived there in secret with her family for some time until the town was attacked by blight. The three fled along with the rest of the town, but Calia was once again separated from her family in the crowd. Screaming their names in the middle of the street, a man pulled her onto his horse and galloped past the town limits barely in time, and she joined a cluster of refugees in the forest. She prayed she'd be one of those that would be reunited with their loved ones, but this time she never saw them again, not knowing their fate.

At some point, while escaping from mindless undead, Calia stumbled upon one who was still sane and who she recognized. Alonsus Faol, who was a Forsaken, showed her that not all undead had lost their minds and there were some who still were themselves even after death. This made her understand that the Forsaken and the Scourge were two separate entities, with the former still deserving of dignity and compassion. That gave her the chance to move through her shock and pain to a place of healing. Seeing the Forsaken as her old friends still living, she hoped that if her family had been killed by the undead and raised, they would live on as Forsaken instead of mindless Scourge.[15][3]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Calia Menethil

Calia in Faol's Rest.

Having become a priest at some point, Calia reappeared during the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth alongside Alonsus and was initially encountered by priests at Faol's Rest. As a member of the Conclave, Calia traveled to the Netherlight Temple to return the void god Saraka back to its holy form, the naaru Saa'ra.[21] She later became a champion to the High Priest.

Calia participated in the Battle for the Exodar battling against High General Rakeesh, along with High Priestess Ishanah.

Before the Storm[]

“There are things you must do before that peace will be granted to you. Things that you must understand, that you must integrate into yourself. People who need your help. What one needs in order to heal will always come one's way, but sometimes it is hard to recognize it. Sometimes the most beautiful and important gifts come wrapped in pain and blood.”

Saa'ra's advice to Calia[22]

Following the Argus Campaign, Anduin Wrynn met Calia at the Netherlight Temple. After Faol introduced her as Terenas Menethil's daughter, Anduin considered her the rightful queen of Lordaeron, and was shocked and relieved to know she had survived.[18] As Anduin worked with the Conclave to heal Azeroth from Sargeras' destruction and reconcile the Forsaken and their human counterparts, Anduin began to see Calia as a kindred spirit and developed a bond with her similar to the one he had with Jaina Proudmoore. Calia was also fond of Anduin and saw in him similarities to her beloved little brother Arthas before he became evil.

Sometimes Calia would dream of happier times, like when she sang lullabies to her infant daughter and spent time with her family. During one such dream, Calia sadly considered how her daughter would never inherit her birthright. However, her dreams frequently turned into night terrors involving the undead before she awoke from them. Usually, Calia would speak of her dreams with the naaru Saa'ra. Saa'ra would tell Calia that the nightmares will stop once she was ready for them to stop and that there are things she must do and become before that peace would be granted unto her. However, Saa'ra also warned that some of her trials may involve pain and blood. Though Calia admitted it didn't make her feel any better, Saa'ra told her it might once she understood that even painful developments may become hidden gifts and to trust in the purpose of her destiny. Saa'ra's insights would ease her apprehension, and she would try to repress the horrors she had endured or the memories of her daughter. Instead, she would retreat into a darkness that granted safety for wild creatures, momentary privacy for those who wanted to create, and sanctuary from her troubles. Saa'ra's warmth would then comfort her and told her to sleep in peace. As Calia left to return to her room for rest, her friend Elinor privately spoke with her to inform her of King Anduin's plans for a Gathering between Forsaken and their living relatives. The conversation filled Calia with hope and purpose, making her feel as if healing had finally come her way.[22]

Anduin, Genn Greymane, and Calia later worked to recruit suitable human participants for the Gathering from the Alliance's side. As they worked together, Anduin asked Calia if she sought to reclaim the throne of Lordaeron. When Calia asked if Anduin would aid her in reclaiming her throne even if it meant war, Anduin became conflicted. Before Anduin could respond, Calia reassured him she had no intention of reclaiming Lordaeron and the best she could do for her people in the Forsaken is to work to ensure the Gathering's success. However, she did request to participate in the Gathering. Since his body did not respond to any nefarious intentions, Anduin agreed to permit it should Faol also consent. Anduin also asked Calia if she had a child that could one day become her heir, to which Calia did acknowledge a daughter and told Anduin the tragic tale of her family. Anduin surmised the reason she identified with the Forsaken is she hoped to be reunited with her family at the Gathering should they have been raised as undead. She later disguised herself and secretly observed the reunion between her friend Alonsus Faol, High Exarch Turalyon, and King Genn Greymane.

Calia attended the Gathering as one of the priests that were offering the participants their blessings. Disguised in a cloak and hood, she healed Ol' Emma when she fainted from heatstroke. This brought the attention of Elsie Benton who she had a pleasant conversation with. As the day went, Parqual Fintallas recognized Calia beneath her hooded cloak and saw it as a reason and opportunity to defect into the Alliance. He asked Calia for a blessing and whispered to her, saying, "We need you now. It's time. You'll see. Be ready." Shortly after, Parqual, his daughter Philia, and the Felstone family began to walk towards Stromgarde Keep — where the Alliance were stationed. As Calia Menethil saw this unfold, she revealed her true identity and took it upon herself to try to convince the other Forsaken on the field to join the Alliance, first speaking with Elsie. After being made aware of her existence, Sylvanas Windrunner personally flew through the field and murdered Calia, who she saw as a threat to her authority. Calia's corpse was later sent back to Netherlight Temple but miraculously did not decompose. Saa'ra informed Anduin and Alonsus that they would together bring Calia back as the Light and she herself would have her be, and the two priests proceeded to raise the fallen Menethil back as an undead touched by the Light. Calia explained to Anduin that although she was untrained in the ways of politics, as Arthas was supposed to inherit the throne, and did not intend for the Gathering to become a bloodbath nor reassert her claim to Lordaeron, she could not stand by and let a usurper like Sylvanas butcher her people out of jealousy. Seeing the Forsaken as her people, Calia had followed her heart on the field to accept them as her responsibility but now acknowledged that she was not yet ready to lead as she hadn't been the heir to the throne. For now, she would learn under Faol how to be an undead walking in the Light to better serve her people.

Battle for Azeroth[]

A set of Scarlet Brotherhood propaganda pamphlets can be found near the Calston Estate in Tirisfal. In the pamphlets, the Brotherhood makes a number of spurious claims, including that King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind is an undead-loving traitor who worked with his "lover" Sylvanas Windrunner to stage a fake massacre at the Gathering in the Arathi Highlands. According to the Brotherhood, this was done in order to drum up sympathy for the Forsaken and to lure out Calia so that she could be murdered and raised into undeath, allowing Anduin to marry her and usurp Lordaeron.[23][24] The pamphlets advise members of the order to rally behind the worgen king Genn Greymane and help him wipe out the Forsaken, after which they will turn on Greymane and destroy the worgen as well in order to ensure that Lordaeron belongs only to "pure-blooded humans".[25] Finally, the pamphlets state that the Brotherhood has secretly raised someone that they claim to be the son of Princess Calia and an Arathi nobleman and therefore the rightful king of Lordaeron[26] (apparently ignoring the fact that Calia's actual child was a daughter with a common footman, not a son with a nobleman).[3] The Brotherhood promises that they will reveal this so-called Menethil heir and place him on the throne after the undead and worgen have been wiped from the land, thereby restoring the Menethil dynasty.[26]

Following the Battle of Dazar'alor, Jaina Proudmoore told Anduin that she had heard rumors about Calia and asked the king to tell her what happened in Arathi.[27] After Baine Bloodhoof reunited the recently resurrected Derek Proudmoore with his sister, Jaina brought Derek to Calia in the hopes that she could help him.[28]

Calia and the Proudmoore Siblings

The meeting between Calia, Derek, and Jaina.

In time, Varok Saurfang's revolutionaries clashed with Sylvanas's loyalists, which saw the conflict ending in Saurfang's death and Sylvanas's abandonment of the Horde. In the aftermath, Jaina met with Calia and Derek at Seabreeze Village in Stormsong Valley. During this meeting, Calia and Derek learned that the war was over and it was implied that Calia and Derek had grown close. As the three conversed, the Proudmoore siblings remarked that others would benefit from Calia's guidance, much like Derek had.[29] Unbeknownst to the three, the Speaker of the Horde was spying on their meeting at the behest of Lilian Voss, who after being informed of the details remarked that she must act quickly.[30]

Around the time of the Black Empire's assault on Azeroth, Calia received a letter from Lilian asking her to help the Forsaken in the wake of their abandonment by Sylvanas. Calia agreed as she wanted to help her people and honor her father and the name Menethil. In another meeting in Stormsong Valley, she informed Jaina and Derek of her decision to leave Kul Tiras. To her surprise, Derek decided to accompany her. Jaina accepted Calia and Derek's decisions but insisted on first bringing them to Katherine and Tandred so they could get a proper farewell.[31] Calia and Derek traveled to the Calston Estate in the Tirisfal Glades, where Lilian apologized for her role in Derek's rebirth and introduced the two to Delaryn Summermoon and the other Forsaken night elves, who had likewise been abandoned by Sylvanas. Calia and Derek quickly offered to help the undead elves and subsequently left the estate with them,[32] vowing to help them find a future rooted in something beyond hatred and malice.[33]

Shadows Rising[]

At some point after the fall of N'Zoth, Calia joined the Horde and became a councilor of the Forsaken.

Knowing that the Forsaken couldn't remain in Orgrimmar forever, Voss and Calia sought a new home for their people, while believing that the ruins of Lordaeron could one day be reclaimed and their homes there restored. Despite the truce between the Horde and Alliance, they knew that the Alliance ships wouldn't be happy to see Horde flags at sea, though Calia was confident that Derek could intervene on their behalf if they were intercepted. Calia then attended a Horde Council meeting where Thrall noticed that she appeared to be watching Voss's every move, as if she might be tested on it later. When Calia and Voss explained why they had been late to said meeting, she brought up her belief about Derek causing Queen Talanji of the Zandalari Empire to declare that House Proudmoore could do nothing for them as she blamed them for the death of her father, King Rastakhan and objected to peace with Jaina. However, Voss was quick to remind her that Derek was one of the Forsaken and that the Forsaken were the Horde. The meeting was soon adjourned.

After the Earthen Ring shaman Yukha warned Thrall that something was terribly wrong in the spirit world, Thrall made the decision to go to Nordrassil and decided to bring Baine Bloodhoof and Calia, due to her desire to bridge the divide between the Forsaken and the kaldorei who were raised into undeath, with him. She was struck by the beauty of Nordrassil and considered it a place of mourning after sensing the darkness over the place. Upon meeting with Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Shandris Feathermoon, and Maiev Shadowsong, Calia found herself shifting nervously in the face of their frosty, rigid silence. Thrall subsequently formally apologized to the night elves and cited Calia as an example of how the Horde hoped to change. Nodding silently by Thrall's side, she listened as he revealed to them how Voss now spoke for the Forsaken and how both women sought to reforge themselves anew, free of Sylvanas, free of her poisonous influence.

When the meeting started to dissolve into an argument about responsibility for Teldrassil, Calia voiced that these disagreements were a distraction and that the divided sides only kept them from apprehending the one who gave the order. In the aftermath of Tyrande's revelation that she saw their words as empty pledges of justice, Calia, along with Baine, allowed herself to be corralled out of the area by Yukha. However, Thrall refused to be corralled out and promised Tyrande that he would deliver what is owed: Sylvanas's head. The group subsequently departed Nordrassil and arrived in Orgrimmar soon after.[34]

Death Rising[]

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Calia joined the Horde Council in convening atop of Grommash Hold following return of the Scourge and the abduction of Thrall and Baine Bloodhoof. She soon learned from Valeera Sanguinar that Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn had also been abducted, and that an attempt was made on Tyrande Whisperwind, who neutralized her attackers.[35] She reflected on how she thought she understood the Forsaken when she was among the living, only to truly see the depths of what they have endured after her resurrection. She further revealed that with the help of Lilian Voss, she found ways to help those who felt abandoned and alone. She then declared that all of Azeroth trembled beneath the specter of death. And fear, that if left unchecked will consume every soul it touches. She thus vowed to not allow that to happen, not to the people of Lordaeron, nor to any who fight for the good of Azeroth.

After Lor'themar Theron expresses satisfaction at the death of Nathanos Blightcaller and hope that Tyrande Whisperwind's rage remains fixed upon Sylvanas Windrunner, Calia reminds him that she had given counsel to the kaldorei who were raised into undeath after the battle for Darkshore. She further explained how she hoped giving them a path forward and sharing this knowledge with Tyrande, would help ease her spirits, if only a little. In response, Lor'themar revealed that Lilian Voss had informed him of her efforts and hoped that fate would offer her the chance to see her kind offer bear fruit.[36]

During this time she spoke with Valeera Sanguinar and affirmed a friendship with her.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Horde Council Frozen Throne

Calia and the Horde Council at the Frozen Throne.

Calia joined the council in a meeting with the leaders of the Alliance and Bolvar Fordragon at the Frozen Throne within Icecrown Citadel. When Lor'themar voiced how they couldn't afford to go on what might well be a suicide mission to rescue their allies for the stability of the Azeroth, Tyrande Whisperwind grew hostile. Though prepared to battle alongside the Horde, Calia reminded Tyrande that the kaldorei needed her in order to have any hope of finding peace. However, Tyrande was unmoved and was outraged that Calia spoke of peace, in light of the atrocities committed by the Forsaken during the Fourth War. Ultimately, the Horde and Alliance stood down when Bolvar reminded them that they could not afford another conflict in Azeroth.[37] Calia then witnessed the ritual to open the doorway to the Maw and watched as champions of Azeroth, the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and even Tyrande Whisperwind enter to rescue their comrades and seek out Sylvanas.[38]

Calia later traveled with Taelia Fordragon to Oribos in the center of the Shadowlands to meet up with Bolvar there. The pair pleaded for Bolvar to use the Helm of Domination to seek out their allies who had been captured by Sylvanas Windrunner within the Maw. Despite his initial reluctance, as such attempts seemed to be costly and dangerous, Bolvar was eventually moved by his daughter's repeated pleas, and he agreed to honor the request of his "Shining Star".[39] While Talia was chilled by the cries of Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall, Calia focused on how they hadn't heard Anduin Wrynn or Baine Bloodhoof, and thus asked if Bolvar could try again to find them. However, Bolvar revealed that there was a price to be paid for such visions, and he dare not attempt another so soon.[40]

Following Baine's and Thrall's recovery from Torghast, Tower of the Damned, Calia sent word to Aggra and Lor'themar Theron.[41] After discovering that Sylvanas and the Jailer intend to turn Anduin into a weapon, Calia stated that the Light is strong with Anduin, and believed the Light would help him see things through.[42]

Following the defeat of Sire Denathrius, an ally of the Jailer, Bolvar felt a darkness calling to him within Torghast.[43] Though Calia was worried over the effects of peering within Torghast would have on him, Bolvar declared that they must know the truth. She subsequently learned that a new mourneblade was being forged within the tower and that the Jailer decided that the time had come for Anduin to become his agent, regardless of his choice.[44] When the Jailer attempted to gain control of Bolvar, Calia learned that the Lich King was meant to herald his coming.[45] As a result of this, while Calia still acknowledged that her brother had made his choices, she felt that the Jailer had a hand in them too.

Eternity's End[]

A Long Walk - Calia and Lilian

Calia and Lilian at Sylvanas's trial.

After the Jailer's defeat, Calia attended Sylvanas's trial in the Crucible alongside a visiting Lilian Voss.[46]

Sometime later she joined Forsaken in mustering in the ruins of the kingdom of Lordaeron, as they sought to reclaim as much as they could of the Tirisfal Glades. Thus she called Horde champions to aid and meet her at Brill, while also accepting the aid of Alliance champions who had taken a disguise to blend in with the Forsaken.[47][48] However she received a mixed response, as while the likes of Dark Ranger Velonara were willing to give her a chance, Deathstalker Commander Belmont was both distrustful and skeptical about her. For her own part, Calia accepted that she wouldn't be universally accepted because of Arthas' deeds or perceptions about her seeking leadership or advocating the Alliance's interests. She merely vowed to help the Forsaken in any way she could, thus she called upon a number of influential figures that had risen to prominence among the Forsaken, in order to meet and discuss the path forward.[49]

While Voss wanted to directly focus on dealing with the plague in the Undercity, Belmont questioned what they should do about Calia, only for Dark Ranger Velonara to declare that they should focus on the blight. She then turned to Master Apothecary Faranell and questioned if he had more plague eaters, only for him to reveal to Calia and the others that he only had one left, and that while he could make more for them to be effective, they must be formulated to survive the plague. This in turn inspired Calia to point out that they might be able to turn to the plague-lords of Maldraxxus for insight. When Faranell revealed that he required an undiluted sample of the plague from deep within its reaches, Calia vowed to acquire it for him, but both Faranell and Belmont were skeptical of her being able to acquire it and survive.[50]

Calia then called upon the light and with the champion by her side, she ventured into the plague and successfully acquired the plague sample, which greatly surprised Belmont.[51] With the sample in their possession, Calia, Voss, the champion, and the plague eater went to Maldraxxus, where they met with Margrave Sin'dane.[52]

After Sin'dane directed the group to meet with Plague Deviser Marileth at the House of Plagues, Calia questioned Sin'dane about the nature of undeath, and revealed how while the Forsaken were raised through necromancy, which provided them a shared origin, and sense of unity, she had been raised by the light. She further remarked that this difference made her question if she could ever truly find a place among them. In response, Sin'dane revealed that regardless of any magic, necromancy is necromancy, that Calia perceived a difference when there was none. Calia subsequently thanked the Margrave for her aid before leaving to seek out Marileth.[53] As they worked together to empower the plague eater, Calia called upon the light to shield them from the caustic fog.[54] She also directed them with slaying creatures within the House of Plagues to help the plague eater to help it gain fortitude.[55] Near the end, the blight turned into a living manifestation known as the Lordaeron Blight, which was quickly slain, and proved the plague eater could aid them in reclaiming the Ruins of Lordaeron.[56] With this accomplished, Calia and the others returned to Tirisfal Glades to deliver the plague eater to the apothecaries, where Calia informed Faranell of how the blight sample became a living manifestation, to which Faranell was quick to declare it ingenious, as it would be easier to kill.[47]

Desolate Council

Calia with her fellow members of the Desolate Council.

This plan was ultimately successful as the plague manifested as an Amalgam and was slain, liberating the Ruins of Lordaeron from the plague.[57] Following this, Voss declared that the Forsaken have many points of view and should be led by a council, not a single ruler, a motion accepted by the other Forsaken leaders. While Belmont had his reservations about having a Menethil on the council, Calia was quick to declare that she had no desire for a throne, that her place was amongst them, with a vow to serve all their people. Thus a new Desolate Council composed of Voss, Calia, Belmont, Faranell, and Velonara was created to lead the Forsaken.[58] With the council's formation, Calia journeyed into the Lordaeron Throne Room room where she reflected on the past and the tragedy of her family, of how she was all that remained of the Menethil line, before being comforted by Voss, who talked about how the Forsaken were their home. However, Calia questioned if the other Forsaken would truly ever accept her, to which Voss admitted that while it was a long road, they could use her help, which gave Calia the encouragement she needed to step forward.[59]

Following this, Calia styled herself as The Pallid Lady, officially recognized Derek Proudmoore as her champion, and promised the Alliance heroes who had aided the Forsaken that one of the first topics that she planned on proposing to her fellow council members was the withdrawal of Forsaken troops from the Kingdom of Gilneas.[60]

The Vow Eternal[]

A few years later, Calia, accompanied by Derek and Voss, were among those who attended the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra. The Forsaken spoke with Taelia Fordragon and Wrathion during the reception. After they realized that Mia Greymane had gone to the wedding in her husband's stead, the three Forsaken exchanged uncomfortable glances, with Calia remarking that it was a pleasure to see the queen again.[61]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

After the Scarlet Crusade forces led by Scarlet Commander Forsythe seized control of Fenris Isle, they used it as a staging ground to strike against the Forsaken within the Ruins of Lordaeron. As a part of the Forsaken counterattack, she directed Forsaken champions to kill Lieutenant Hawlsey and obtain their armor in order to spy on the crusade.[62] Following the crusade's defeat and the death of Commander Forsythe, Calia returned to the Ruins of Lordaeron where she joined the rest of the Desolate Council in declaring that the champion represented what it meant to be Forsaken.[63]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Faol's Rest, Tirisfal Glades; Netherlight Temple 10-45 Alliance Horde As part of the Priest Campaign.
Seat of the Naaru, Exodar 10-45 Alliance Horde During N [10-45] Bringer of the Light.
Seabreeze Village, Stormsong Valley 50 Alliance Horde During the epilogue of the War Campaign.
Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar 50 Horde During the Death Rising event; appearance removed.
Frozen Throne, Icecrown Citadel 50 Elite Alliance Horde During the Shadowlands intro experience.
Enclave, Oribos 50-60 Alliance Horde
Brill & Ruins of Lordaeron, Tirisfal Glades;
Exoramas & House of Plagues, Maldraxxus
50-60 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Inv shield 58 [Return to Lordaeron] questline.
Sepulcher & Fenris Isle, Silverpine Forest 50-70 Elite Horde As part of the Forsaken heritage questline.



At age fourteen, Calia was gawky and coltish. She was blond and slender like Jaina Proudmoore, but whereas Jaina was lively and playful, Calia was delicately boned, pale-skinned, and soft, with a face like out of an old painting.[64] When she was sixteen, her father Terenas believed that she would surely soon grow into a beauty.[65] As an adult, shortly before her death, Calia was tall and slender and wore her golden hair long.[66] As an undead, Calia is a ghostly pale, silver-haired woman who appears to glow from within,[67] though her features lack the flush of life. Her voice is echoing and sepulchral, but warm and kind.[4]

In Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, Calia is described with blue eyes.[8] Her Legion model and Before the Storm instead depict them as blue-green,[66] sea-blue,[15] or sea-green,[3] the same color as Arthas' eyes.[68] Since her resurrection, her eyes now glow a soft white.[4]



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

  • It's just Calia now.
  • How can I assist you?
  • I stand ready to help.
  • Sometimes I miss the beautiful court of Lordaeron and my father.
  • I once hid in a muddy ditch for two days while slavering ghouls patrolled the area. Your prattle does not faze me.
  • Terenas would have had you thrown out of here faster than he did Medivh!
  • Walk in the Light.
  • Goodbye.
  • Let's talk again soon.
Main article: Champion: Calia Menethil#Notes
Main article: Priestly Matters#Notes

Before the Storm[]

  • Anduin: "You had to have had a terrifying experience with the undead. How is it that you are so close with the archbishop?"
Calia: "He helped save me. I remembered him, you see. And in the midst of all that horror, when I was constantly fleeing so many I loved whose minds and wills had been stolen from them... to see the face of someone who was still who he had been— It was as if hope itself was a sword that stabbed clean through me. Except instead of wounding, it offered me the chance to move through my shock and pain to a place of healing. So you see, for me, the Forsaken weren't monsters. They were friends. It was the Scourge, the shambling, stumbling things that wore my friends' faces—they had become monsters."[15]
  • "I was lost, Alonsus. Emotionally and physically and mentally. You brought me back from a very dark place. What other wonders could that again work? For both Forsaken and humanity?"[15]
  • "As priests, we cannot harden our hearts and still do what the Light would have us do. Vulnerability is our strength and our weakness both. But I would have it no other way."[69]
  • "No one save a madman or a child is completely free from doubt."[7]
  • Calia: "You are my people, and I want to help you. I only came to observe, to begin to get to know the Forsaken of Lordaeron."
Elsie: "Undercity. We live in the Undercity."
Calia: "You didn't once. You won't have to live in the shadows anymore. Just—please. Come walk with me. Parqual, the Felstones, all the others—see them? They're defecting. Anduin will shelter and protect you all; I know he will!"[17]

Battle for Azeroth[]

  • I stand ready to help.
  • We all have our duty.
  • Light's blessing upon you.
  • Honor the past, but embrace the future.
  • For Lordaeron.
  • May you find peace within.
Main articles: ...And Following Seas#Notes, Sense of Obligation#Notes
Main article: Sail With the Tide#Notes
Main article: The Hidden Need#Notes

Shadows Rising[]

Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Main article: Death Rising#Horde
Main article: Return to Lordaeron#Questline
Oribos gossip

This Eternal City is shining and beautiful. And yet the touch of Death is everywhere upon it.

I am touched by that power, too. Perhaps there are secrets here in Oribos that can help me understand what that means.

The attendants speak with such certainty of their "Purpose". Perhaps they can help me find mine as well.

Brill gossip

The people of Lordaeron have suffered greatly. I hope that I am able to find my home here among them, with the Forsaken.

Gossip Why wouldn't the Forsaken welcome you?

It begins with my name. I am Arthas Menethil's sister, and I was once a member of the royal house of Lordaeron.
Though I was never intended to rule, and nor would I seek to.
Some might see me as seeking authority where I have none, or representing the Alliance when I do not. Or some hear the name 'Menethil' and are rightly horrified by my brother's actions.
But I am my own soul, and I have lost as much to the Scourge as any survivor of Lordaeron. All I wish now is to help.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Ruins of Lordaeron gossip

The Forsaken have fought to reclaim these lands, and I am proud to stand among them.

I promise that I will do anything in my power to protect our people.

The Sepulcher gossip

My memories after the fall of Lordaeron are hazy, but I think I may have spent some time in Silverpine. Something about the scent of the trees reminds me... and fills me with a distant dread.

Gossip How do you feel about all this?

I made a pledge to the people -- our people -- that I would stand with them and help however I can.
Though at times I would wish for the methods to be more diplomatic than dangerous, I still stand ready. I will do whatever it takes to protect our home.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.

Notes and trivia[]

  • When they were young, Arthas called his sister Calie.[8]
  • Based on her approximate year of birth (see above), Calia would have been 38 or 39 years old at the time of her death and resurrection. In Before the Storm, Anduin judges her to be "nearly forty".[7] This makes her chronologically 46 as of Dragonflight.
  • Considering how things turned out, she is glad that Arthas and Jaina ended up not getting married.[3]
  • Between the character's original introduction in Day of the Dragon (2001) and her eventual return in Legion (2016), Calia's fate after the Scourging of Lordaeron was unknown and a source of speculation among fans. The 2006 Warcraft RPG sourcebook Horde Player's Guide hinted at a continuation of her story (see below), but the RPG was decanonized in an Ask Creative Development post in June 2011. The same post specifically mentioned Calia and stated that Blizzard had not forgotten about her and other "missing" characters and that Blizzard would talk about them when they were ready.[70] At the BlizzCon 2011 Lore Q&A, Chris Metzen stated that Blizzard had been talking about Calia "forever" but that they did not currently have any plans for her.[71]
  • Prior to Legion, she was for many years theorized by some fans to be Calia Hastings of SI:7. The main theories were that she had married someone named Hastings, assumed a new surname in exile, or taken her mother's unknown surname.
  • In the Legion beta, Calia stated in N Priest [100] Agent of Aid that she had renounced her claim to the throne of Lordaeron, declaring it a lost kingdom, and that she was "just Calia now". This quest, along with any other mention of Lordaeron from her, did not make it out of beta (though one of her on-click quotes is still "It's just Calia now"). As such, it was unknown throughout most of Legion what her stance on the kingdom was. The plot thread was picked up again in Before the Storm.
    • Calia claims to Valeera Sanguinar during Death Rising that she gave up any claim to the throne years ago.[72] Despite this, she is still referred to as the Princess of Lordaeron in Shadows Rising. She also bears the crest of Lordaeron on her in-game model.
  • It was popularly speculated for a time that Taelia Fordragon's mother could be Calia Menethil, even though there were discrepancies in Calia's description of her husband and daughter (namely, that her husband was a basic footman; whereas Bolvar was a paladin and later Highlord of Stormwind). This was proven to not be the case in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, where Calia, Taelia, and Bolvar all interact without any semblance of familial ties beyond Taelia and Bolvar.
  • The exact extent of Calia's affiliations with the Alliance and Horde seem to be somewhat ambiguous. Despite remarking to Anduin (slightly ruefully) that she was not a member of the Alliance, she nevertheless considered Sylvanas a "pretender queen" and was willing to welcome some of the Forsaken into the Alliance as refugees. She later seemingly joins the Horde, but appears to retain cordial ties with Jaina, remarking that the Proudmoores could intervene were her vessel to be intercepted by the Alliance. In an interview in late 2019, Ion Hazzikostas stated that: "This is a complicated issue. Calia is very sympathetic towards the situation and condition of the Forsaken, but she will not join the Horde because of this. Additionally, the number of Forsaken who may welcome their presence is not fixed."[73] Later on during the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introductory quest line, Calia is seen in Icecrown standing among the Horde leaders, appearing friendly to Horde and Alliance players, and Tyrande Whisperwind is openly hostile towards her. Steve Danuser also notes that Calia is not the Forsaken leader, and was mostly there for "personal" rather than political reasons.[74]
  • Christie Golden admits that the use of Calia Menethil in Before the Storm was a suggestion on her part that the story developers went along with.[75]
  • Like how her brother Arthas could be seen as a "reverse" version of King Arthur, Calia could be a "reverse" version of Morgan Le Fay (Arthur's sister) with a few traits from Guinevere. Like Morgan, Calia is of royal blood, a sister, and she also has great power, though in Calia's case it's holy power rather than magic. Calia's relationship with Jaina, who was likely inspired by Guinevere, is also positive, unlike Morgan's relationship with Guinevere. Though, like Morgan, Calia has been viewed in an antagonistic light, though in Calia's case she's considered tainted by association as Arthas' sister after Arthas destroyed Lorderaen and became the Lich King.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Horde Player's Guide subtly implies a differently plotline for Calia. In one of the many short stories, a paladin by the name of Andarin tries to infiltrate the Undercity to free prisoners. To his shame, he is quickly discovered by a fallen priest named Trevor. The undead makes him "an offer he can't refuse": in turn for helping him, Andarin must help Trevor free some of the Argent Dawn's prisoners. The paladin ponders the situation but finally agrees, together they descend into the city. After having fought some guards and abominations, the strange duo decides that fighting the prison guards will not work and comes up with a plan: Andarin will distract the guards while Trevor will free the prisoners. Knowing that he has no other choice, the paladin agrees. Trevor quickly manages to get a hold of a keyring and opens the door of a cell in which a girl was locked up. The girl recognizes the Forsaken and is shocked, but Trevor simply bows, saying "Good evening, my princess."

Chris Metzen alluded to this at BlizzCon 2011, mentioning that "There were some hooks in the RPG line that kind of suggested [Calia] was going one way or another".[71] The background of Trevor shows some similarities with the one Alonsus Faol himself was later given in Legion.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Feelings for Daval Prestor[]

In the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King Calia was greatly disturbed to the point of hysterical over her arranged marriage to Prestor, and even had a heated argument with her father, Terenas Menethil II over it. Her coin in the Dalaran Fountain expresses her desire to be noticed by him, however.

It is possible that it was merely an error on the developers' part. Another possibility was that Daval Prestor (Deathwing) placed an enchantment on her when he realized her objection to be married to him. He had already done this to the kings of the Alliance in Day of the Dragon to make them fond of him, so there is precedent. When Deathwing was weakened and went into hiding after the battle with his former fellow Aspects, the enchantment was lifted. Furthermore, the novel also mentioned that Terenas at one point started to suspect him.


  • Calia in Stormsong.

    Calia in Stormsong.

  • Calia's unique model.

    Calia's unique model.


Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Shadows Rising, pg. 137
  2. ^ Dialogue with Valeera Sanguinar during Death Rising - Calia Menethil says: Lady Menethil is fine. Calia is even better. I gave up my claim to the throne long ago.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Before the Storm, chapter 25
  4. ^ a b c d Before the Storm, chapter 35
  5. ^ a b Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 1
  6. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter (2014-05-08)[dead link]
  7. ^ a b c Before the Storm, chapter 28
  8. ^ a b c d Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 3
  9. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 256
  10. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 3
  11. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 13
  12. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 18, pg. 315
  13. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 21, pg. 376
  14. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 5
  15. ^ a b c d e f Before the Storm, chapter 15
  16. ^ H [50] The Hidden Need
  17. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 33
  18. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 9
  19. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 22: "[Arthas], his parents, and Calia each had [a secret exit] ... known only to them, Uther, and the bishop. All were gone now, save he ..."
  20. ^ Legion on-click quotes
  21. ^ N Priest [10-45] The Light and the Void
  22. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 20
  23. ^ Inv misc book 03 [The Traitor King]
  24. ^ Inv misc book 03 [The Would-Be Queen]
  25. ^ Inv misc book 03 [The Cursed Old Wolf]
  26. ^ a b Inv misc book 03 [The Last Menethil]
  27. ^ A [60] Dead Reckoning
  28. ^ A [60] My Brother's Keeper
  29. ^ A [50] ...And Following Seas
  30. ^ H [50] Sense of Obligation
  31. ^ A [50] Sail With the Tide
  32. ^ H [50] The Hidden Need
  33. ^ Jez Corden 2020-03-12. World of Warcraft interview: Looking back at Battle for Azeroth, and looking ahead to Shadowlands. Windows Central. Retrieved on 2020-03-14.
  34. ^ Shadows Rising
  35. ^ B [50] Cause for Distraction
  36. ^ B [50] The Banshee's Champion
  37. ^ N [50] Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons
  38. ^ N [50] Through the Shattered Sky
  39. ^ N [53-60] Request of the Highlord
  40. ^ N [53-60] A Glimpse into Darkness
  41. ^ N [60] Torment Chamber: Thrall
  42. ^ N [60] The Captive King
  43. ^ N [60] An Echo in the Darkness
  44. ^ N [60] The Highlord's Vision
  45. ^ N [60] The Jailer's Grasp
  46. ^ N [60] A Long Walk
  47. ^ a b N [60] Return to Brill
  48. ^ A [60] Eyes of the Wolf
  49. ^ N [60] Assemble the Forsaken
  50. ^ N [60] The Blight Congress
  51. ^ N [60] Walk of Faith
  52. ^ N [60] Consulting Our Allies
  53. ^ N [60] House of Plagues
  54. ^ N [60] Essence of Plague
  55. ^ N [60] Feed the Eater
  56. ^ N [60] Embodiment
  57. ^ N [60] The Remedy of Lordaeron
  58. ^ N [60] The Desolate Council
  59. ^ H [60] A Walk with Ghosts
  60. ^ A [60] Report to Greymane
  61. ^ The Vow Eternal
  62. ^ H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [50-70] A Proper Disguise
  63. ^ H IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female [50-70] I Am Forsaken
  64. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 2
  65. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 2, pg. 24
  66. ^ a b Before the Storm, chapter 8
  67. ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 1, pg. 15 - 16
  68. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 23
  69. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 24
  70. ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 2
  71. ^ a b BlizzCon 2011 - World Of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - Lore and Story Panel (Full) (10:00). YouTube (2011-10-23). Retrieved on 2022-12-21.
  72. ^ Death Rising#Horde
  73. ^ Interview Question Regarding Calia Menethil
  74. ^ | Shadowlands Lore Interview with Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser - Elune, Sylvanas, Calia
  75. ^ @ChristieGolden via WayBackMachine, "“Pushed” is probably too strong a word. I definitely lit up when I learned that Calia Menethil was out there. (Big puppy eyes may have been involved.) But Blizzard was certainly on board and excited once it came up for discussion. Then it was co-creation all the way!"

External links[]

Preceded by:
Lilian Voss (Interim Leader)
Ruler of the Forsaken (as a member of the Desolate Council)
Succeeded by:


Horde Council
Other leaders





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Nation of Durotar
The Forsaken
Thunder Bluff tauren
Darkspear tribe
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Bilgewater Cartel
Kingdom of Suramar
Highmountain Tribe
Mag'har Clans
Zandalari Empire
Other members
Former members
Horde-aligned and allies
Former allies