Fel orc
- ️Thu Jul 03 2014
- For orcs in general, see Orc.
Fel orcs | |
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Faction/Affiliation |
Fel Horde (Illidari) Formerly: Burning Legion, Warsong clan, Magtheridon's Forces Alternate Draenor: Iron Horde (Burning Legion) |
Character classes |
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Racial capital |
![]() Alternate Draenor: ![]() |
Racial leader(s) |
Unknown |
Formerly |
![]() ![]() Alternate Draenor: ![]() ![]() |
Racial mount |
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Homeworld | Draenor |
Language(s) | Orcish |
Fel orcs (also known as chaos orcs and blood orcs)[1] are corrupted orcs created by the continual consumption of pit lord blood, which has caused them to be completely consumed by madness and bloodlust.[2] Most could be found in Outland as members of the Fel Horde, loyal to the Illidari. After the alternate Gul'dan took control of the Iron Horde and bound it to the Burning Legion, many orcs of the alternate Draenor became fel orcs as well.
The fel orcs were first noted as members of the Burning Blade clan during the First War. They made a greater appearance in the form of the corrupted forces of Grommash Hellscream. Fel orcs made the bulk of the army of the former ruler of Outland, Magtheridon. When Illidan Stormrage overthrew him, he took control of his Fel Horde and imprisoned the pit lord, using his blood to produce more fel orcs. They are easily distinguishable from regular orcs by their red skin, glowing red eyes, longer tusks and the spiky growths all over their body. The alternate Draenor fel orcs are the result of orcs drinking the blood of Mannoroth and have similar features to the Outland ones, albeit with black and grey skin and glowing green eyes instead of red.
Warcraft III[]

Fel orc grunt

Cenarius versus fel orc Grommash.
Fel orcs made their first appearance in the form of orcish warriors that followed Grom Hellscream during the New Horde's initial excursions into Ashenvale Forest. After being nearly destroyed by the forces of the demigod, Cenarius, a Darkspear shaman alerted Grom of a nearby font of dark magic that could be useful to them in defeating Cenarius and his night elven forces. This font ended up being the Chaos Well; a fountain of power that was tainted with the blood of Mannoroth. Upon their second consumption of Mannoroth's blood, the orcs were transformed into fel orcs, turning red skinned and larger. [3]
This allowed for Grom and his Warsong clan to make quick work of the Shadowleaves, Moonhunters, Nightblades and Cenarius himself. With Cenarius' demise, Mannoroth revealed himself to the orcs and declared they were once again under his thrall. Despite initial resistance, Grommash and his warriors fell inline under the Legion's forces. This led to Thrall banding together with Jaina Proudmoore at the behest of the guardian, Medivh, to stop Grommash. Capturing Grommash and locking him within a ritual circle, the united forces of humanity and the orcs were able to purge the fel corruption from Grommash, returning him to his normal orcish self. This gave way for Grom and Thrall to confront Mannoroth, ultimately leading to the former's heroic sacrifice that freed the orcs from the blood curse.

Fel orcs were part of Magtheridon's Forces.
When the pit lord Magtheridon took control of Outland, he created fel orcs by corrupting them with his blood. Fel orcs made up the backbone of Magtheridon's armies.
The Burning Crusade[]
This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.
After Magtheridon was defeated by Illidan and imprisoned, the fel orcs stayed in Hellfire Citadel, keeping guard over the captured pit lord as servants of Illidan. Illidan has continued using the blood of Magtheridon to create more fel orcs to follow him under Kargath Bladefist and his Fel Horde. A letter recovered from one of the orcs has revealed that Illidan is not pleased with the orcs' progress with the defense of the Blood Furnace.[4] They are capturing many orcs, and Mag'har, then experimenting on them to create fel orcs.
Caza'rez of the Horde is working on a cure for the fel orcs converted by the Illidari.[5]
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Red skinned orcs appear as one of the random Horde Portal-Sentries that are guarding the Dark Portal for the Horde along with the Alliance. The general goods vendor, Quartermaster Dekrok, also has a red-skinned orc model. They may be horde aligned fel orcs, another color of Mag'har, or this may be a simple skin error.
Shadow Lord Fel'dan appears as a fel orc and is said to be more demon than orc now.[6]
A group of Dragonmaw fel orcs, led by the former Illidari lieutenant Mor'ghor, traveled from Outland to the Twilight Highlands to enslave the Dragonmaws who had remained on Azeroth. However, Mor'ghor and his fel orcs were defeated by the forces of Garrosh Hellscream, Warchief of the Horde, and Warlord Zaela of the Dragonmaw.
Alternate Draenor[]

Kilrogg Deadeye as a fel orc, after accepting Gul'dan's gift.
On the alternate Draenor, Gul'dan and his followers were described as fel orcs, but had green skin rather than red skin and mutations. Sean Copeland clarified that these orcs are fel-corrupted but not true "fel orcs."[7]
After the Iron Horde suffered devastating losses, Gul'dan took control of the faction by capturing Warchief Grommash and convincing Kilrogg Deadeye, Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow clan, to drink the blood of Mannoroth (who had much earlier been slain by Grommash) and transform into a fel orc. Thousands of Iron Horde orcs then accepted the blood of Mannoroth, transforming them into fel orcs as well, but none grew as powerful as three champions: Dia Darkwhisper, Gurtogg Bloodboil and Blademaster Jubei'thos. Tainted with fel sickness, the three began serving Gul'dan as both Highguard and Council of War, becoming known as the Hellfire High Council.[8]
Fel orc forces can be found serving the Legion throughout Tanaan Jungle — mainly at the Iron Front, the Fel Forge and atop the Throne of Kil'jaeden — and in the halls of Hellfire Citadel. The Hand of the Prophet draenei forces stationed in the jungle argued that if their leader, Prophet Velen, were there to guide them, he would not simply give up on the entire race, and while the draenei's eredar brothers are seemingly lost forever, the orcs of Azeroth did manage to break free from the Burning Legion. Thus, Alliance heroes were sent out to gather vials of fel orc blood for draenei scholars to study in the hopes of finding a way to reverse the corruption process.[9] Similarly, Lady Liadrin and her Blood Knights believed there to be a way back for the fel orcs and also asked for blood samples from freshly turned orcs. However, not every member of the Horde forces in Tanaan had as bright of an outlook on the fel orcs' chance at redemption.[10]
This section concerns content related to Legion.
While much fewer in number, some fel orc members of the Shadow Council resembling the ones from alternate Draenor can be found on the Broken Isles, such as Lord Malgath in the Assault on Violet Hold.
Other fel orcs from Outland can also be seen imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens.
Appearance and characteristics[]

Concept art of a fel orc.
The consumption of pit lord blood results in a blood haze, uncontrollable bloodlust, and physical changes as well.[2] Even those who were transformed unwillingly end up exhibiting these traits, and end up forced to obey the supplier of the blood. The Illidari fel orcs are produced using an elixir. The procedure is extremely painful, and tends to drive subjects mad.[11]
The standard Outland fel orc has red skin, and a ridge of long sharp spines coming out of its back. Bony horns grow from its arms and hands. Its eyes are bloodshot and glow red, and six long and thin fangs grow out of its mouth. Its ears are stubbier than orc ears, coming to a blunt point. These features signify a fel orc as much as its maddened lust for destruction.[2] Fel orc blood is described as bubbling, as if full of rage.[12] Most fel orcs have lived for years in Outland with the corruption, and this has led to greater mutations. These fel orcs are formidable foes, with even the weakest among their number being just as powerful as any normal green-skinned orc.[13] They are also larger, meaner, and more cunning than the average orc.[14]
The fel orcs of alternate Draenor instead feature gray skin with black, horn-like growths, glowing green eyes, and glowing green "cracks" on the skin and aforementioned growths. The reason for this difference in appearance is unknown, as Gul'dan himself, who had previously drunk the blood of Mannoroth, only gained green skin and red eyes, without the gray skin and mutations. According to Vindicator Krethos, Gul'dan's poison turned the already ferocious orcs into "hateful, vicious creatures with no soul"[9] while Shadow Hunter Denjai describes the fel orcs as "monsters", "fel beasts" and "soulless savages".[10] The blood of Draenic fel orcs remains warm to the touch long after the orc is killed.[15]
Fel dire orcs of the alternate Draenor instead have red skin like their main universe counterparts.
Name | Role | Affiliation | Status | Location |
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Chieftain of the Warsong clan, later returned to a normal orc. | Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Guard of Magtheridon | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Guard of Magtheridon | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Defender of a dimensional gateway | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Commander of the Horde of Agony | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Defender of a dimensional gateway | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Commander of the Legion of Torment | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Commander of the Horde of Pain | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |
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Commander of the Legion of Anguish | Magtheridon's Forces, Burning Legion | Deceased | Unknown |

Kargath Bladefist, Warchief of the Fel Horde.
Name | Role | Affiliation | Status | Location |
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Warlord of the Bleeding Hollow | Iron Horde, Bleeding Hollow clan, Burning Legion | Deceased-Killable | Various |
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Member of the Hellfire High Council | Iron Horde, Burning Blade clan, Burning Legion | Killable | Court of Blood, Hellfire Citadel |
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Member of the Hellfire High Council | Iron Horde, Burning Legion | Killable | Court of Blood, Hellfire Citadel |
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Overseer of the fel conversion pits at the Fel Forge | Iron Horde, Burning Legion | Killable | Fel Forge, Tanaan Jungle |
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Member of the Hellfire High Council | Iron Horde, Bleeding Hollow clan, Burning Legion | Killable | Court of Blood, Hellfire Citadel |
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Shadow Council warlock | Shadow Council, Burning Legion | Killable | Dark Portal, Tanaan Jungle |
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Commander of the Hellfire Assault | Iron Horde | Killable | The Iron Bulwark, Hellfire Citadel |
Known clans in Outland[]

Banner of the Fel Horde.
Here follows a list of known clans that, at least parts of which, have allied with the Fel Horde:
- Bleeding Hollow clan — Serve as archers, warriors, and casters. Uncorrupted Bleeding Hollow orcs have instead joined the Mag'har in Garadar.
- Bonechewer clan — Serve primarily as warriors and casters.
- Dragonmaw clan — Enslave nether drakes for the Illidari.
- Laughing Skull clan — Serve primarily as rogues and enforcers.
- Shattered Hand clan — Serve as warriors and enforcers, though a small number of casters have been seen around Hellfire Citadel.
- Shadowmoon clan — Serve primarily warlocks and channelers of the blood of Magtheridon.
- Thunderlord clan - Said to have been transformed into fel orcs by the blood of Mannoroth. It is unknown if they joined the Fel Horde or were wiped out.[16]
Units in Warcraft III[]
Chaos/Fel orc units were featured in the campaigns
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Fel orcs, also known as chaos orcs, are the creation of Mannoroth, who "blessed" the orc race by infusing within them fel energies and binding their will to the Burning Legion. While Grom's sacrifice freed most of his race, many orcs remain loyal to Mannoroth and worship the demons, gaining tremendous strength in exchange for their service. While not all demon-worshiping orcs are fel orcs, more than enough still partake of demon blood for the strength it grants them.[17]
- Fel orcs were referred to as "chaos orcs" in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. The term "fel orc" was first used in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, where it is used to refer to Magtheridon's forces. The term "chaos orc" has not been canonically used since, and the Reforged version of The Hunter of Shadows and By Demons Be Driven replaces all instances of "chaos orc" with "fel orc", putting the matter to rest.
- In Heroes of the Storm, a number of orcish heroes have fel orc skins that use the old "Chaos" terminology and are based on the color scheme of the original chaos orc units from Reign of Chaos, such as Chaos Warlord Garrosh. There is also an alternate reality where a number of characters are fel orcs, such as Hellhammer Thrall.
- In The Last Guardian, Garona describes the Burning Blade clan at the time of the First War as "the chaos orcs thronging beneath their fire-orange pennant",[18] though this likely only refers to the fact that the Burning Blade were chaotic in nature and not that the entire clan consisted of fel orcs.

- The Slave Master and Jubei'Thos both have red fel orc-like skin in Reign of Chaos. In Reforged, the Slave Master was retconned to having green skin. Jubei'Thos continues to have red skin with his unique model, though he lacks the spiky protrusions of other fel orcs.
- Many Outland fel orcs actually just use the model of a normal male orc with red skin. It seems to be related to the apparent fact that the fel orc model cannot display most helmets.
- The Horde members Quartermaster Dekrok and some Horde Portal-Sentries use the same model, but it's unclear if they're meant to be fel orcs who have joined the Horde or if their appearance is simply a mistake. Similarly, Lava Guard Gordoth (who was transformed by the energies of the Firelands rather than fel) and Kor'kron Dire Soldiers both use the models of dire orcs with red skin.
- During his Nighthold encounter, Gul'dan transforms into a form resembling a fel orc, with orange skin and large spikes growing from his body.
- Among the fel orcs in Outland, only males are seen. Both males and females are found amongst the Iron Horde fel orcs.
- In the game files the normal female orc model has a red fel orc skin, similar to the male model having one of these as well, though it doesn't appear to be used on any NPCs. In the files there is an unfinished female fel orc model, though it is simply an untextured version of the male model.
- Several female fel orcs (Bonechewer Vanguard, Dragonrider, Ruststeed Raider, and Warmaul Challenger) appear in Hearthstones Ashes of Outland expansion. They have the multiple tusks and glowing red eyes of their male brethren but lack the spike protrusions of their counterparts. This is the only time female red-skinned fel orcs have been depicted.
- Rokgah Bloodgrip and Gor'drek incorrectly describe the fel orcs as being transformed by Mannoroth's blood, rather than Magtheridon's.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
A possible explanation for the difference between the alternate Draenor's Gul'dan and the fel orcs, who both drank Mannoroth's blood but gained vastly different appearances, may be the "freshness" of the blood; Mannoroth had been dead for some time before the fel orcs of alternate Draenor drank his blood, unlike Gul'dan.
An Outland fel orc without spikes prior to the model revamp.
Warcraft III[]
See also[]
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Burning Crusade | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Inhabitants of the Twisting Nether | ||||||||||||
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