
Please do not add clan names to this page unless they are established in Warcraft lore.

The old orcish Horde, dwarves, and other races are separated into many clans. What defines a clan, and how one is started, is largely up to interpretation. The term clan is sometimes used interchangeably with the term tribe. The RPG describes the organization of murloc clans as being larger than murloc tribes.[1][2]

Centaur tribes/clans[]

Clan and tribe appear to be interchangeable terms when referring to centaurs groups. Centaur clans are led by khans.

Dwarven clan system[]

Dwarves count their blood connections in many ways. The most prominent of ties is the clan.[4] The main dwarven clans are the Bronzebeard clan, the Wildhammer clan, and the Dark Iron clan. Each of them have smaller clans, like Rom's clan,[5] the clans of the Twilight Highlands, and the Shadowforge clan, respectively.

Each main clan is ruled by a thane.[6]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Ironforge clan doesn't exist

Dwarven culture is made up by a clan-like caste system. The original clan that evolved from the earthen was known as the Ironforge clan. It later split into the three main Clans known as the Dark Iron clan (Ruled by line of Thaurissan), Ironforge clan (ruled by members of the Bronzebeard clan), and the Wildhammer clan (ruled by line of Wildhammers), but many lesser clans exist as well.[7][8]

Family names often indicate clan names as well and are the lesser clans within one of the three main dwarven cultures. Some family names are names of honor earned through some feat, which replace the family's true name. For example, Falstad Dragonreaver's real name is Falstad Wildhammer. In which case the new name may be passed on to their descendants or not, depending on the choice of the individual.[9] Another example are some of the members of the "Thunderaxe" family who joined the Dark Iron clan during the War of the Three Hammers, taking on the name "Pikesplitter".[10]

Dwarven clans[]

Mogu clans[]

The mogu, introduced in Mists of Pandaria, also have a clan-based system.

Murloc clan[]

Murlocs congregate in tribes and villages[12], but the Squigglefin tribe is also referred to as a clan.[13]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A murloc clan is organized from multiple tribes in an area. Each tribe to its own village of usually six to twelve individuals.[1][14] Every so often a clan meets to discuss issues of importance.[15] However, keeping a large group of murlocs coordinated and in agreement for any significant length of time is difficult.[14]

Orcish clan system[]

Orc Clan Banners

The orcs originally lived an hidden, underground life on Draenor in fear of the ruling gronn and ogron. After the ogres rebelled against them and overthrew their order, the hierarchy of survival on Draenor was dramatically altered and the two greatest threats to Gorgrond's orcs were eliminated. By the time of 800 years before the Dark Portal, the orcs, no longer confined to their underground caverns, began forging permanent settlements on Draenor's surface for the first time in generations. The orc population exploded, and overpopulation and lack of prey to hunt became a serious issue. Tensions between families simmered, but before war erupted many orcs migrated out of Gorgrond in search of new land to settle. Those who remained in Gorgrond formed the Blackrock, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade, and Dragonmaw clans. Those who migrated east found themselves drawn to Tanaan Jungle, where they adopted a savage, superstitious mindset. Those who kept their sanity became the Bleeding Hollow clan, while those who lost themselves to dark impulses were exiled and over time formed another, smaller clan known as the Bonechewers. The orcs who journeyed west of Gorgrond settled in the icy Frostfire Ridge. The Frostwolves and Whiteclaws learned to adapt to the environment, while the Thunderlord clan instead sought to dominate the land. In the south, three clans settled in the mountains and plains of fertile Talador: the Burning Blade, Redwalkers and Bladewinds. Finally, the Warsong clan migrated farther southwest and roamed the plains of Nagrand, while to the southeast the peaceful Shadowmoon clan formed in Shadowmoon Valley.[16]

These new orcish clans gradually isolated themselves from each other, only meeting up on special occasions like the Kosh'harg festivals. This is what kept peace between them, but also at a cost: individual friendship between orcs of different clans became gradually seen as an anomaly, something almost impossible, like friendship between a wolf and a talbuk.[17] The clans were content ruling their own huge swaths of lands, including much of Draenor, somewhat similar to a human nation.

Chronicle2 Draenor Orc Clans Map

Orcish clans ruled most of Draenor

Many of these ancestral clans united in the Old Horde and invaded Azeroth at the behest of their new demonic masters. New clans arose after the throes of the First War, such as the Black Tooth Grin clan and Stormreaver clan. After the orcs' defeat in the Second War, the humans of the Alliance of Lordaeron took most of them to prison, with the Horde's unity shattered.

When Thrall brought about the new Horde, the clan system was largely abolished. Although many orcs still proudly carry the name of their clan, the clans themselves are all united under the banner of one Horde.[18] The orc Urtrun Clanbringer is the guild master of Orgrimmar and describes many clans fighting beneath the banner of the warchief. When a new guild is created, the guild master there refers to it as adding a new clan to the Horde. Orgrimmar itself is said to be home to many of the orc clans of Durotar;[19] and orc adventurers are said to belong to a clan.[20] The Warsong, Frostwolf, Blackrock, Shattered Hand, Twilight's Hammer and Dragonmaw clans all retain some individualism, with some of them even evolving greatly over time and now accepting members of other races. The Shattered Hand clan is now more of a rogue's guild, while the Twilight's Hammer and Burning Blade clans are now global doomsday cults. The recent Kosh'harg festival let many clanless orcs join back the traditions of their ancestors.[21]

Orc clan leaders are referred to as chieftains, while the leader of all clans is called a warchief. Thrall used to be the Warchief of the New Horde. The chieftain is usually the strongest member of the clan and, according to the old orcish hierarchy, to become one you must first fight the old chieftain to the death. Alternatively, you can inherit the status of chieftain.

There has been mentions of orcs being able to change from one clan to another. In Warcraft II, Orgrim Doomhammer was said to have risen to power through the Thunderlord clan before joining with the Blackrocks,[22] even thought that isn't canon anymore. Fenris Wolfbrother was a Frostwolf before ending up as chieftain of the Thunderlords. Mankrik might have been a Frostwolf child before ending up a blademaster of the Burning Blade. Jubei'Thos was seemingly a Burning Blade before joining the Blackrocks.

Orc clans[]

Main clans:

Other clans:

Draenor color PlayStation

The clan territories as depicted in Warcraft II.

Unnamed clans:

  • The many unnamed clans fighting for Orgrimmar mentioned by Urtrun Clanbringer.
  • In the Second War one unnamed clan was left in the Hinterlands to distract the Alliance while the rest of the Horde marched to Quel'Thalas,[24][25] but the clan was annihilated by Lothar and his warriors.[26]


Clans of the Iron Horde:

Other clans:

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
List of Hordes
Warcraft film universe

Ogre tribes/clans[]

Ogre society is based on a clan structure, each clan acting independently of the others.[29] Some ogre groups however, such as the Ango'rosh, Boulderfist[30], the Gordunni[31] or the Warmaul[32] are also called tribes.

Vrykul Clans[]

The vrykul are also organized into clans:

Pandaren clans[]

The initial development of Pandaria's pandaren had them divided into their own clans, also known as Shao'din. The concept didn't make it into the game.

See also[]


  1. ^ a b Manual of Monsters, pg. 63
  2. ^ Dark Factions, pg. ??
  3. ^ >Horde Player's Guide, pg. 234
  4. ^ Night of the Dragon, chapter 1
  5. ^ a b Day of the Dragon, chapter 15
  6. ^ War of the Three Hammers (History of Warcraft)
  7. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 67
  8. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 98
  9. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 168
  10. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 131
  11. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 162
  12. ^ The Murlocs
  13. ^ Squirky
  14. ^ a b Lands of Conflict, pg. 135
  15. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 10
  16. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 39 - 44
  17. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 1
  18. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 114
  19. ^ Orgrimmar faction description: Founded by Thrall, this Horde capital city is home to many of the proud orc clans of Durotar.
  20. ^ H [12] Dark Storms: You do your clan proud, <name>.
  21. ^ H IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female [50-70] The Kosh'harg
  22. ^ Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal manual, Clans of Draenor, Thunderlord Clan
  23. ^ a b Cycle of Hatred, pg. 97
  24. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 166
  25. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 325
  26. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 332
  27. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2
  28. ^ Harbingers - Gul'dan
  29. ^ World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 178
  30. ^ H [32] The Hammer May Fall
  31. ^ H [43] A Threat in Feralas
  32. ^ A [15-30] The Twin Clefts of Nagrand