Deadeye Shore

Deadeye Shore

Deadeye Shore

Deadeye Shore is a section of seashore on the eastern coast of Durotar, directly east of Drygulch Ravine. Featuring a large patch of sand missing from the desert, shaped like a skull missing an eye,[1] it is named after Kilrogg Deadeye, orcish hero and former chieftain of the Bleeding Hollow clan. It is mostly empty, except for raptors, scorpids, and boars.

At some point, the orc fisherman Byrok was attacked here by the members of the Burning Blade.[2]

After the Cataclysm, Spiketooth and his caravan of gladiators crashed here.


External links[]

Map of the Valley of Trials
Map of the Echo Isles

Map of Durotar - Cataclysm
Map of Durotar - Classic