Doom Guard (Warcraft III)

  • ️Thu Jul 03 2003
For lore, see Doomguard.
Doom Guard
Race Doomguard
Faction Neutral
Hit points 1600
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 0.50 HP/sec.
Mana 500
Mana Regeneration rate 1.25 Mana/sec.
Level 8
Produced at Pit Lord or Demonic Figurine
Gold Bounty Awarded 76-88 BTNPillage
Sleeps No
Weapon(s) Burning Blast (vs Air); Burning Sword (vs Ground)
Normal attack

41-48 (44.5 avg)
Area Damage Radius:

  • Full Damage Area: 5
  • 1/2 Damage Area: 15
  • 1/4 Damage Area: 25
Can attack Air
Range 60
Attack type Chaos
Cooldown 1.80 sec.
Weapon type Msplash
Secondary attack 35-42 (38.5 avg)
Can attack Ground, Structures, Debris, Item, Ward
Range 12.8 (Melee)
Attack type Chaos
Cooldown 1.35 sec.
Weapon type Normal
Armor Type Heavy
Armor 3
Day Sight 140
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed 270


Doom Guards are doomguard units that can be summoned by a Pit Lord or a Demonic Figurine.

They can also be encountered as creeps in the Felwood, Outland and Black Citadel tilesets.


When summoned by the Pit Lord, it has a timed life of 120 seconds.
When summoned by a Demonic Figurine, the time is 180 seconds.
Otherwise, it has 1350 hit points instead of 1600.

Spells and abilities[]

Dispel Magic[]


Removes all buffs from units in a target area.
Deals 200 damage to summoned units.
Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
8 sec. 75 50 20 Air, Ground, Ward, Tree Removes all spells, 200 damage to summoned units

War Stomp[]


Slams the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them.
Duration (Hero) Cooldown Mana Cost Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
3 (2) sec. 6 sec. 90 30 Ground, Enemy 25 damage, stun.



Reduces movement speed by 75%, attack rate by 50%, and damage by 50% of a target enemy unit.
Duration (Hero) Cooldown Mana Cost Range Allowed Targets Effect
60 (10) sec. 10 sec. 175 60 Air, Ground, Enemy, Organic, Neutral Movement Speed -75%, Attack Rate -50%, Damage -50%

Rain of Fire[]


Calls down waves of fire that damage units in an area. Each wave deals 25 damage. Lasts for 6 waves.
Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Effect
12 sec. 125 80 20 6 waves at 25 damage each.

Resistant Skin (Passive)[]


Reduces the duration of negative spells and renders the unit immune to certain spells.


  • Warcraft III creep Doom Guard.jpg

  • Wc3r doom guard portrait.png

  • Wc3r doom guard2 portrait.png

Patch changes[]

  • WC3tFT-logo Patch 1.10 (2003-07-03):
    • The Frozen Throne
      • Summoned Doom Guard hit points increased to 1600 from 1350.

External links[]


Human Crest


Orc Crest


Scourge Crest


Night Elf Crest



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