Empty Keg

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012

Archaeology 5 0 emptykegofbrewfatherxinwoyin20

  • Empty Keg
  • Binds when picked up
  • Use: Carefully crate the restored artifact.
  • "Artifact details have already been logged in your Archaeology Journal, under the Completed Artifacts tab."
  • Sell Price: 1g
Pristine Empty Keg

A Pristine Empty Keg on display.

The Empty Keg is a common pandaren archaeology artifact, created from 50 Trade archaeology vrykul artifactfragment [Pandaren Archaeology Fragment]. Up to one Archaeology 5 0 keystone pandaren [Pandaren Pottery Shard] may be used to solve this artifact. A pristine version can also be crafted.


Empty Keg of Brewfather Xin Wo Yin

The heart-shaped spigot to this cask reveals it to be an artifact of the late great Brewfather Xin Wo Yin, "The Brokenhearted". Generations ago this renowned Brewfather created "Heartswell Brew", a concoction that infuses the drinker's entire being with a profound sense of warmth and wellbeing. It was said that Xin Wo Yin so loved the product of his art that he wept tears of heavy sorrow over every keg that left his brewery. It is likely that he wept over this very keg. Being that it's empty, you feel a little morose yourself.

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Item Object