Falstad Wildhammer

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
AllianceFalstad Wildhammer
Image of Falstad Wildhammer
Title Dragonreaver,
High Thane,
Lord of Aerie Peak,[1]
Wildhammer Clan Representative
Gender Male
Race Wildhammer dwarf (Humanoid)
Class Gryphon rider
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Wildhammer clan, Ironforge, Council of Three Hammers, Alliance, Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Gryphon rider, High Thane of Aerie Peak, Wildhammer representative on the Council
Location Ironforge[2] (lore),
Various (in-game)
Status Alive
Companion(s) Hestra (gryphon), Swiftwing (gryphon), Molok (fellow windrider, like a brother)

“The Council of Three Hammers requires me presence, but I'd rather be riding me gryphon.”

— Falstad

Falstad Wildhammer, also known as Falstad Dragonreaver,[3] is the High Thane of the Wildhammer clan. He ruled the Wildhammer clan from Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands following the departure of Kurdran Wildhammer and joined his companions Rhonin and Vereesa in freeing the Dragon Queen Alexstrasza from Grim Batol. Since the Cataclysm, he serves as a member of the Council of Three Hammers in Ironforge. Falstad attempts to bring balance within the Council and maintains strong diplomatic ties abroad.[4]


Day of the Dragon[]

Falstad Wildhammer was a noble gryphon rider of the Wildhammer clan of Hinterlands, commanding a small flight of such riders who patrolled the shores of Lordaeron for any hostile draconic activity after the Second War. Falstad and his comrades protected the town of Hasic from certain doom, and then transported human mage Rhonin and his companions across the Great Sea to Khaz Modan. During the journey, however, the group was ambushed and Falstad's kinsmen were killed. Nevertheless, at the incentive of Vereesa Windrunner, Falstad continued to Khaz Modan. Later, with the help of a clan of hill dwarves, Falstad reached Grim Batol and fought in the final battle there to free the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza.

When Kurdran Wildhammer, ruler of Aerie Peak and the Wildhammer Clan, went to Draenor as part of the Alliance Expedition, Falstad stayed in Aerie Peak to succeed him as the High Thane.

World of Warcraft era[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Falstad Wildhammer

Falstad Wildhammer at Aerie Peak.

Falstad used to appear as a quest giver located at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands where he dealt with the encroaching forest trolls.

After the War Against the Nightmare, Falstad attended the wedding of Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind.[5]

After the death of Magni Bronzebeard and Moira's takeover over, Varian Wrynn formed the Council of Three Hammers, Falstad being said to be representing the Wildhammer clan.[6]

After Kurdran Wildhammer returned from Outland around the time of the Shattering, Kurdran told him that he is not needed for the Council of Three Hammers as Kurdran wanted to be the representative. Kurdran journeyed to Ironforge and while there he realized that Falstad was better person for this job. Falstad traveled to Ironforge and met with Eli Thunderstrike who told him about the death of Sky'ree and then with Kurdran. Falstad forgave Kurdran for not trusting him and he became the Wildhammer representative in the Council of Three Hammers.[7]

Cataclysm era[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Falstad WoD

Falstad Wildhammer in Ironforge.

Falstad Wildhammer was relocated from Aerie Peak to the High Seat, ruling Ironforge with the Council of Three Hammers. He has a dwarf NPC named "Wildhammer Fact Checker" standing beside him. He learned about the attack on Ironforge Airfield and thought that Moira was unable to control her people. Moira then found the traitor - Ambassador Slaghammer, working with the Twilight's Hammer cult - and she had him imprisoned.

The three rulers were visited by Li Li Stormstout who was looking for Magni. The Council could not help her and Falstad laughed at how rude Li Li was.[8]

Blood in the Snow[]

Main article: Blood in the Snow

One day, King Varian's scouts had discovered that Zandalari trolls threatened the dwarven capital by rallying the Frostmane trolls against them. Surely, the king thought, if he helped them with their troll problem, they would give him more troops for his campaign against the Horde. But what the King did not realize is that the dwarves did not trust one another. When Varian sought the help from the Council of Three Hammers, both Muradin and Falstad declined to offer aid in Ironforge’s defense for they feared that if they left to fight the Frostmane trolls, the Dark Irons would take advantage of their absence to defeat the remaining clan and take over Ironforge. Frustrated, Varian argued that if no one would help, then Ironforge will fall under siege. Only Moira Thaurissan offered aid, stating that the Dark Irons will prove their loyalty to the Council, Ironforge, and the Alliance in the defense of Ironforge. And so Moira and the High King set out in the snow to save the city, leaving the others to think about their actions.

The High King, his champions, and the Dark Iron dwarves worked together to save Ironforge. On their return, the other dwarven leaders were ashamed of their behavior and vowed never again to allow fear or distrust to cloud their judgment. Free to trust one another, all three dwarven leaders pledged their full strength to the Alliance cause.[9][10]

War Crimes[]

Falstad, alongside other Alliance leaders received a letter from Xuen inviting them to the trial of Garrosh Hellscream and was present in the Temple of the White Tiger.[11]

The Jade Hunters[]

Falstad was in favor of combining Fenella Darkvire, Carrick Irongrin and Fendrig Redbeard as a team to help rebuild the Jade Serpent statue.[12]

Fault Lines[]

Comics title This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Council of Three Hammers Fault Lines

Moira, Muradin and Falstad.

When Magni Bronzebeard awoke from his petrification and asked to see his former city, Falstad began to complain, saying that the dwarves were in an uproar and wondering about the future of the council, to which Muradin replied that they should let the former king take some time to get his head straight. The council then began to discuss the repercussions of Magni's return, with Falstad saying that the Wildhammers would never kneel to a Bronzebeard king. However, Magni simply replied that he had not come to reclaim his crown. He then uttered a grave warning about the Burning Legion's return and set off to warn the rest of the Alliance leaders.[13]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Falstad along with the other members of the Council of Three Hammers led the defense of Dun Morogh during the Legion Invasion event. He commanded a wing of Wildhammer Gryphon Riders.

Falstad attends the funeral of Varian Wrynn and says the skies weep for him.[14]

When an Alliance player reaches Prestige Rank 2, Falstad can be found in Stormwind Keep alongside other notable leaders of the Alliance. During A [10-45] A Royal Audience, he is present at the ceremony hosted by King Anduin Wrynn that congratulates the character for their battles against the Horde, following their receiving of the Achievement pvp a 14 [Grand Marshal's Medal of Valor] from the King, as well as an artifact appearance.

Before the Storm[]

As a member of the Council of Three Hammers, Falstad welcomed King Anduin Wrynn who had gifted Ironforge ten wagons of Barley. They celebrated the gift with a feast, but left with Muradin and Velen to let Anduin and Moira speak. Later on, he was one of the Alliance leaders summoned by Magni Bronzebeard for a meeting. Falstad heeded Magni's plea for healers to heal Azeroth and Anduin's discovery of Azerite. Falstad noted that with enough Azerite, they could shatter the Horde.[15]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Falstad and Swiftwing

Falstad and Swiftwing aboard the Wind's Redemption.

Falstad and his gryphon Swiftwing can be found aboard the Wind's Redemption docked at Boralus in Kul Tiras. He arrived to assist Mathias Shaw in the war effort against the Horde. Shaw asked for him by name.[16] He encountered Dark Ranger Denyelle while clearing out any resistance and opening communication with the war back home.[17]

Falstad led a squad of Wildhammers as part of Shandris Feathermoon's mission to the Great Sea to hunt Blood Prince Dreven, a Horde san'layn.[18] He saved the adventurer from a trap set by Nathanos Blightcaller,[19] and led a bombing run on Horde boats.[20]

In Zuldazar, the forces led by Halford Wyrmbane began an operation to weaken the Zandalari harbor's defenses. Falstad provided transport for John J. Keeshan and Kelsey Steelspark to plant bombs on the Breath of Pa'ku,[21] and brought the adventurer aboard Gral's Call when it discovered the Alliance base at Xibala.[22] He and Shandris captured Captain Zalkran, who was captured and brought back to Stormwind City.[23]

Falstad also participated in Faction Assaults, directing champions on various missions.

He was later present on the Kul Tiran vessel in Stormwind Harbor with the other Alliance leaders to witness the Kul Tirans gifting the vessel to Anduin and rejoining the Alliance.[24]

Following the fall of N'Zoth, Falstad was present at Stormwind where he learned that the armistice ending the Fourth War between the Horde and Alliance was signed. Though willing to give peace a chance, he vowed that while he can forgive, a Wildhammer never forgets.[25]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Falstad joined the Dragonscale Expedition to the Dragon Isles and visited the Clan Shikaar section of Maruukai in the Ohn'ahran Plains.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Aerie Peak, Hinterlands 50 Alliance Horde Appearance removed in retail.
High Seat, Ironforge ?? Boss Alliance Horde
Kharanos, Dun Morogh 100 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Legion Invasions; appearance removed.
Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City 10-45 Alliance As part of A [10-45] The Fallen Lion & A [10-45] A Royal Audience.
Wind's Redemption, Boralus 10-50 Elite Alliance Horde
Great Sea; Xibala, Zuldazar 60 Elite Alliance As part of the Alliance War Campaign.
Stormwind Harbor & Stormwind Embassy, Stormwind City 40-70 Elite Alliance
Maruukai, Ohn'ahran Plains 70 Elite Alliance Horde


  • Spell nature chainlightning Chain Lightning — Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 3 targets, inflicting greater Nature damage to each successive target.
  • Ability warrior cleave Cleave — Inflicts 110% of weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
  • Ability marksmanship Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Inv hammer 01 Stormhammer — Inflicts 96 damage and interrupts spell casting.
Stormwind Keep
The Great Sea
  • Spell nature lightningshield Dragonreaver's Will — Falstad protects Swiftwing from damage and heals him over 3 sec seconds.

As a follower[]

Falstad Wildhammer is a War Campaign champion with the following abilities:


Criteria of[]

In the RPG[]


Falstad as depicted in Alliance Player's Guide.

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Falstad has had to lead the Wildhammer Dwarves in their conflict against local troll tribes. Falstad also noticed the Scourge just beyond the horizon, and knew that one day his people would have to make a stand against the undead as well. To this end, he sought to increase the Wildhammers’ ties with the Alliance without actually joining, which put him in an interesting position. Since he had not officially joined the Alliance, he lacked their full support; but the Horde did not consider him an enemy either. He had to decide if joining the Alliance would be beneficial enough to risk the wrath of the Horde, but his people leaned more in that direction, especially with many of them working side-by-side with the Stormpike clan and the few remaining high elves. Eventually, the Wildhammer clan decided to officially join the Alliance.

As a member of the party that freed the Dragonqueen, and a personal friend of her mate Korialstrasz, he is one of the most respected humanoids in the eyes of the red dragons. While he has yet to call upon their favor, Falstad considers flying to Grim Batol to ask for aid, or just to discuss matters with the dragons.

Due to his fighting prowess against dragons, Falstad is often known as “Falstad Dragonreaver,” but his real last name is (like Muradin Bronzebeard) that of his clan: Wildhammer.[26]


Day of the Dragon[]

  • "Stand back, wizard! Would you like it in two neat halves or chopped into little fragments?"
  • "Aye, 'tis the hammer that impresses the ladies most 'tisn't it?"
  • "If there's a hint at all in your words that we're cowards, human, I'll do to you what I kept Molok from doing."
  • "He's a mage, after all, and everyone knows that they're all mad!"
  • "Those rough-hewn hills that look like my grandmother, beard and all? Aye, 'tis a good choice! We'll descend toward those!."[27]
  • "Would he prefer I walk into the mouth of the dragon or just lie down in front of the beast and let it gnaw on me at its leisure?"
  • "It'd take a hand's worth of you hill dwarves to bring one from the Aerie down!"

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

  • Ugh, a wee bit stuffy in here, isn't it? How I miss the open skies of the Hinterlands!
  • The Council of Three Hammers requires me presence, but I'd rather be riding me gryphon.
  • It'd take a hand's worth of these hill dwarves to bring one from the Aerie down!
  • It's hammerin' time!
  • Invaders! Invaders! We're under attack, boys! Get 'em!
Killing a player
  • Ho, ho! That had to hurt!
  • Hah! Too easy!

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Template.



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: Legion Invasion#Stages

Battle for Azeroth[]

Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Great Sea gossip

The Wildhammer can take ye anywhere ye need to go.


Main article: Intercepted Orders#Notes
Main article: Victory Was Assured#Notes
Main article: Mission from the King#Notes
Main article: Under the Cover of Swiftwing#Notes
Main article: The Wildhammer Specialty#Notes
Main article: Behind Enemy Boats#Notes
Main article: Ending the San'layn Threat#Notes
Main article: Hunting Blood Prince Dreven#Notes
Main article: How to Sink a Zandalari Battleship#Notes
Main article: A Sound Defense#Notes
Main article: Battle Bots (Alliance)
Main article: Ale Intent
Main article: Unfriendly Skies

Notes and trivia[]



This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Khardros Wildhammer might have been his ancestor.


  • The Council of Three Hammers.

    The Council of Three Hammers.

Heroes of the Storm
  • Falstad, Wildhammer Thane.

    Falstad, Wildhammer Thane.

  • Dark Iron Falstad.

    Dark Iron Falstad.

  • Frostborn Falstad.

    Frostborn Falstad.

  • Gryphon Master Falstad (formerly Master Falstad).

    Gryphon Master Falstad (formerly Master Falstad).

  • Storm Lord Falstad.

    Storm Lord Falstad.

  • Buccaneer Falstad.

    Buccaneer Falstad.

  • Falstad model without the gryphon.

    Falstad model without the gryphon.

Fan art
  • Council of Three Hammers by Rui Zhang

    Council of Three Hammers by Rui Zhang


Patch changes[]


External links[]

Falstad Wildhammer Generic name Champion
Preceded by:
Kurdran Wildhammer
High Thane of Hinterlands & Wildhammer Clan
Succeeded by:


High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies

Alliance Alliance champions

Ability monk sparring Combat Specialists
Ability rogue disguise Operatives
Inv misc wrench 01 Expert Technicians