Farmer Saldean

AllianceFarmer Saldean
Image of Farmer Saldean
Title <Breadbasket Guild>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Breadbasket Guild, Stormwind
Location Saldean's Farm, Westfall[56, 31]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Salma (wife), William (unknown relation), Hope (adopted daughter)

Farmer Saldean is a human bread vendor located at Saldean's Farm in Westfall.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Legion Invasions, his farm was attacked by demons, but adventurers saved him and Salma.



Inv misc food 12 [Freshly Baked Bread]
1s 25c
Inv misc food 10 [Homemade Cherry Pie]
Inv misc food 08 [Moist Cornbread]
Inv misc food 11 [Mulgore Spice Bread]
Inv misc food 09 [Soft Banana Bread]
Inv misc food wheat 01 [Special Chicken Feed]
Inv misc food 11 [Tough Hunk of Bread]


  • Now how am I supposed to get those mechanical wretches out of my fields?
  • A bunch of thugs and thieves aren't going to get me to leave my land!
  • They might have run all the other farmers off, but the Saldean's will never leave Westfall.

Been in Westfall all my life, <brother/sister>. I can remember a day when Westfall was the lushest land this side of Stranglethorn Vale. Those days are long gone.

While we no longer have Defias causing problems, the fallout from their reign of terror can still be felt. To make matters worse we're in the worst economic downturn in history. All that gold we spent on fighting the Scourge left anyone not in a military related occupation jobless and eventually homeless.

Guess where all those people ended up?

Buy I'd like to see what you have to sell.

Rough times, huh, <name>? No matter where you turn someone needs help, and my wife and I are no exception.
Legion Invasion
Salma! Where's my Salma!?

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Hullo, friend. Anything I can do ya' for?

Gossip Ask what's going on.

<Farmer Saldean smiles.>
It seemed like a miracle. Our little girl, Hope... she came back to us. We thought she were gone forever.
We had a real long talk. She's made some mistakes. Vanessa VanCleef is a loaded name. Loaded with pain, that is. She wants to move forward from all that.
But me 'n Salma... well, we're just happy to see her again.
Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask what everyone is doing here.>

Farmers... Old Defias Brotherhood folks... good people displaced from war after war...
For years now, we've floundered about, just trying to survive. No more! We're going 'ta put our heads and our hands together and work these farms! The land is ready for the hoe once again, my friend!
And as the breadbasket of the Eastern Kingdoms, we won't let Stormwind deny us our rights. The House of Nobles can't stand in our way.
We'll do right by my people this time. I swear it.
Gossip <Ask about something else.>

Gossip <Ask about the Breadbasket Guild.>

The Breadbasket Guild is the early rise of somethin' great.
Get it? Rise? Like... bread?
<Farmer Saldean chuckles and winks.>
Anyhow... This here is the movement that will do right by Westfall. We won't fall to the greed of the Defias.
Truth be told, I considered joinin' with them Defias a few times. It was just so hard to get by. But I just couldn't stand all the stealin' they did from my own neighbors! It just weren't right.
Me n' Salma always wanted better for us all. And now, we have a chance.
Miss Cecilia and Vanessa are helpin' us organize. Vanessa says she won't be an official member, and I get that. But I'm proud of that girl! Her ideas are some of the best we got!
Gossip <Ask about something else.>


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