
Not to be confused with Seer.
This article is about the occupation. For the Warcraft III unit, see Far Seer (Warcraft III). For the title, see Farseer (title).
WC3Far Seer

Far seer concept art for Warcraft III.

Farseers (or far seers) are exceptionally powerful and wise shaman that play the role of advisors or take on leadership positions in their communities. They are highly esteemed and respected by their factions. Though farseers were historically seen with orc shaman in great numbers, most races that practice shamanism seem to have farseers.

Dark shaman can be dark farseers.[1]


Long ago, the first Farseer of the Earthen Ring was given a vision of the elements. In the vision, she foresaw the arrival of a new Farseer, one who would lead the Ring through a time of terrible crisis and unite the elements.[2]

Ancient orc far seers represent the pinnacle of shamanistic power. These powerful shaman are counted amongst Thrall's closest advisors and are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the Horde. Far seers are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but are also adept at foretelling the future. They can be granted visions of distant places and summon both the elements and spirit wolves to protect them. Far seers can summon lightning or the element of earth to induce a massive earthquake.[3] 

During the Third War, the demon-worshiping Blackrock clan that lived in Alterac Mountains in Lordaeron had two farseers: Mazrigos and Throk'Feroth. They, along with the rest of the clan, were killed by the Scourge led by Arthas Menethil.

During the invasion of Outland, the Mag'har were found by the Horde coming from Azeroth. Among the Mag'har was a group of farseers called the Lightning Sons.

During the Burning Legion's third invasion, the adventurer was named Farseer of the Earthen Ring, become the leader of the organization after Thrall's departure.[4] Nobundo believed that the adventurer was the subject of the first Farseer's prophecy. The Farseer and the Earthen Ring went about restoring balance to the elements. This included visiting the elemental realms and assisting the elementals in finding a suitable leader after the deaths of Ragnaros and Al'akir.



Name Role Status Location
Horde IconSmall Mag'har Male Farseer Corhuk Member of the Lightning Sons Alive Garadar, Nagrand
Horde IconSmall Drek'Thar Drek'Thar Leader of the Frostwolf clan Alive Various
Horde IconSmall Drek'Thar2 Alternate Drek'Thar Farseer of the Frostwolf Orcs Alive Various
Alliance IconSmall Broken Male Farseer Eannu Member of the Earthen Ring Alive Great Forge, Ironforge
Neutral IconSmall Troll Male Farseer Gadra Member of the Earthen Ring forces in Vashj'ir Alive Damplight Chamber, Shimmering Expanse
Horde IconSmall Tauren Male Farseer Grimwalker Leader of a doomed expedition to Magmoth Alive Bor'gorok Outpost, Borean Tundra
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Farseer Javad Shaman trainer Alive Great Forge, Ironforge
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Kalthar Advisor to Thrall Alive Orgrimmar
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Farseer Krogar Earthen Ring emissary in Orgrimmar Alive Western Earthshrine, Orgrimmar
Horde IconSmall Mag'har Male Farseer Kurkush Member of the Lightning Sons Alive Garadar, Nagrand
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Female Farseer Kylanda Stormshield shaman leader Alive Stormshield, Ashran
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Female Farseer Lopaa Shaman trainer Alive Silver Enclave/Greyfang Enclave, Dalaran
Horde IconSmall Tauren Female Mare Wildrunner Warspear farseer Alive Warspear, Ashran
Horde IconSmall Mag'har Male Farseer Margadesh Member of the Lightning Sons Alive Garadar, Nagrand
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Farseer Miraas Ancient ghost of Auchindoun Active Talador
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Far Seer Mok'thardin Aids the Horde forces at Grom'gol Base Camp Alive Grom'gol Base Camp, Northern Stranglethorn
Alliance IconSmall Nobundo Farseer Nobundo First draenei shaman Alive Various
Alliance IconSmall Ankoan Farseer Ori Farseer of the Waveblade Ankoan Alive Mezzamere, Nazjatar
Horde IconSmall Tauren Female Far Seer Regulkut Eyes of the Warchief Alive Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Shin Stonepillar "Associate" of Gor the Enforcer Alive Dranosh'ar Blockade, Durotar
Horde IconSmall Go'el Thrall Former warchief of the Horde, former leader of the Earthen Ring Alive Various
Neutral IconSmall Broken Male Farseer Tooranu Member of the Earthen Ring forces in Grim Batol Alive Condemned Halls, Grim Batol
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Female Farseer Umbrua Shaman trainer Alive Golden Keg, Stormwind City
Horde IconSmall Mag'har Male Farseer Urquan Farseer of Throm'var Alive Throm'var, Frostfire Ridge
Horde IconSmall Orc Male Zor Lonetree Elder far seer Alive Grommash Hold, Orgrimmar



In Warcraft III[]

Main article: Far Seer (Warcraft III)


The Far Seer is a playable hero for the orc race in Warcraft III. A mystical hero who is adept at commanding the elements, he can cast Spell nature chainlightning [Chain Lightning], Spell nature farsight [Far Sight], Spell shaman feralspirit [Feral Spirit], and Spell shaman earthquake [Earthquake]. The only playable Far Seer in the campaign for both Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne is Thrall. Drek'Thar is briefly played in the bonus orc campaign.

Custom names include: Gar'dal Grimsight, Negal Fireye, Kazil Darkeye, Magis Coldeye, Gorr Grimwolf, Kag'ar Winterfang, Morg Wolfsong, Kazragore, Fenris'ar Gul, Nazgrel.[5]

  • Far Seer in Warcraft III.

    Far Seer in Warcraft III.

  • Warcraft III: Reforged concept art

  • Far Seer icon in Reforged

    Far Seer icon in Reforged

In the RPG[]


A typical far seer Bale Bleakstare in the Horde Player's Guide.

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The far seers are an elite group of ancient orcs who represent the pinnacle of shamanistic power. These powerful shamans, who preside over matters mystical for the Horde, are counted amongst Thrall's closest advisors and are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings of the Horde. Far seers are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but are also adept at foretelling the future. Their wisdom is outshined only by their courage and ferocity in combat. When the enemies of the horde advance, the far seers mount their loyal dire wolves and wade into battle wielding all the elemental powers of their shamanistic birthright.

Far seers are adept at seeing places and events that are distant in both space and time, allowing them to foretell the future to a degree. Many say that they are the pinnacle of shamanistic development. The far seer is an orc tradition, but they sometimes train members of their allied races in its ways, especially tauren. These shaman are wise and often old. Most shaman of this type do not actually earn the title "far seer" until late in their lives, but they must begin training at an early age.[6]

Far seers are some of the most respected shaman in the Horde. Most of them ride great white wolves to battle — some say this practice is in homage of the Frostwolf clan, of which Thrall was the chieftain before he united the Horde. The orc far seer is the most respected of shaman. He is not a dedicated battlefield mage; however, the guidance provided by his visionary powers can prove to be more valuable than a dozen skilled warriors. In combat, a far seer prefers to sit back and summon spirits to do his bidding, but if he's pressed into melee, he can be a formidable adversary.[7]

In addition to being the warchief, Thrall is also an accomplished and practicing far seer.[citation needed]  He was trained by the ancient far seer Drek'Thar.

Notes and trivia[]

Warcraft III - Alpha Farseer

Far Seer flying on a wyvern in the Warcraft III Alpha

  • In the Warcraft III alpha, far seers rode wyverns. Flying heroes were later removed from the game, and the far seers were instead given frost wolves.
  • In German, far seer has been translated into "Scharfseher", which is analog to the translation in Warcraft III. (Far seer directly translated into German is "Fernseher", which is the German word for TV.)
  • The title of draenei far seers in contrast was translated as "Weissager", which means "prophet".
  • In Russian, far seers are called "Govorjaschij s Duhami" (He-who-talks with Spirits). Reforged renames the class to "Predskazatel" (Soothsayer/Fortune-teller).


  • Unique Starcraft II editor remodeled asset from Warcraft III.

    Unique Starcraft II editor remodeled asset from Warcraft III.

See also[]


Core classes
Prestige classes
Variant classes
Racial iconic classes
Creature classes
NPC classes