- ️Tue Jul 17 2018
- For the critter and battle pet, see Frog (critter).

Frogs are a common amphibian species found in Azeroth, Outland, and Bonich.
Some species of frog can feast upon prey several times larger than themselves by slowly digesting the victim externally with a toxic slime.[1]
Ale frogs were thought to have been extinct until the strange brews at the Darkmoon Faire brought them out of hiding.[2] The rumors of the medicinal uses of the biletoad were believed to have been started by a particularly mischievous apothecary.[3]
Orcish children have a tradition where they sneak up on a mud jumper and whisper a secret they wish to come true. If the mud jumper doesn't jump, the wish will come true.[4]
The swamps of Zandalar are home to large dire toads which are the children of Krag'wa the Huge, the mighty loa of frogs.
In the Shadowlands, Ardenweald is home to large frogs which look quite different from Azeroth's amphibians. Their backs are coated with moss, their feet are wooden, and their faces are covered by wooden growths resembling a mask.
Generic frog critters are found in Ashenvale and the Lost Isles.
Generic toad critters
Belly Toad
Borean Frogs and Steam Frogs are found in the Borean Tundra.
Corrupted Toad
Garden Frogs, Jungle Darters and Leopard Tree Frogs are found inin the Jade Forest.
Giant Marsh Frogs are found in Dustwallow Marsh.
Gloomshade Gulpers and Shimmering Croakers are found in alternative Shadowmoon Valley.
Gulp Frogs are found on the Timeless Isle.
Harlequin Frogs are found in Moonglade.
Krasarang Croakers, Krasarang Frogs, and Krasarang Tideskirters are found in the Krasarang Wilds.
Kraul Frogs lived in Razorfen Kraul.
Lake Frogs are found in the Grizzly Hills. One of them is actually the Maiden of Ashwood Lake.
Mac Frogs are found in Uldum.
Mud Jumpers are found in Nagrand.
Noxic Bellyflopper are found in Ashran.
Noxious Riverhoppers and Palebelly Croakers lived in Talador.
Scalawag Frogs are found at Scalawag Point in Howling Fjord.
A single Mesmerized Frog can be found in Howling Fjord at Scalawag Point.
Sen'jin Frogs were found in Durotar during the Zalazane's Fall event. During the attack, Vanira changed them into Attuned Frogs, which were used to spy on Zalazane's forces. They were removed after the event, but have presumably not gone extinct.
Sewer Frogs are found in Dalaran.
Swamp Croakers are found on the Isle of the Thunder King.
Small Frogs are the most common species of frog. They are found in Darnassus, Elwynn Forest, the Southern Barrens, The Slave Pens, Teldrassil, Zangarmarsh, Sunken Temple, Gundrak, Maraudon, the Northern Barrens and Loch Modan.
Spotted Bell Frogs are found in Un'Goro Crater.
Yellow-Bellied Bullfrogs are found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
In Warcraft III[]

The Frog in WCIII.
Frog critters appeared in Warcraft III.
As a companion pet[]
- The following frog pets can be captured in pet battles:
- Biletoads in Sholazar Basin
- Boghoppers and Coastal Bounders in Nazmir
- Copper Hopper in Operation: Mechagon
- Fleeting Frog, Motorized Croaker and Yellow Junkhopper in Mechagon Island
- Frogs in Ashenvale
- Garden Frogs in the Jade Forest
- Inland Croakers in Tiragarde Sound
- Jungle Darters in the Jade Forest
- Leopard Tree Frogs in Gorgrond and the Jade Forest
- Mac Frogs in Uldum
- Mud Jumpers in Nagrand
- River Frogs in Stormsong Valley
- Small Frogs in many different zones
- Spotted Bell Frogs in Un'Goro Crater
- Swamp Croakers on Isle of Thunder
- Yellow-Bellied Bullfrogs in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms
As a mount[]
- Main article: Amphibian mounts
As a hunter pet[]
- Main article: Toad
The frog hunter pet family is called "Toad".
Patch changes[]
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