
A harbor, also known as a pier, anchorage, dock, wharf, marina, port or quay, is a place on the seashore for docking boats used in transport of goods and people. Harbors in World of Warcraft are often used to transport players from one continent to another.

Alliance Crest Alliance harbors[]

Rise of the Naga - Azshara harbor

Night elven harbor in The Frozen Throne.

Sylvanas' Farewell - Scourge harbor

Scourge harbor in The Frozen Throne.

Old Hatreds - Theramore Isle - Occupied docks

Human docks in The Frozen Throne.

A Blaze of Glory - Horde fleet

Orc and goblin shipyards in The Frozen Throne.

The arrival of new boats is signaled by the same ringing bell sound that was produced when clicking a Shipyard in Warcraft II.

Name Races Location Ship routes Destination
Valaar's Berth Bc icon IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female Azuremyst Isle Bc icon Elunes-blessing Elune's Blessing Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil
Odesyus' Landing Bc icon IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Azuremyst Isle Bc icon None
Rut'theran Village IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Teldrassil The-bravery The Bravery
Elunes-blessing Elune's Blessing
Stormwind Harbor, Stormwind City
Valaar's Berth, Azuremyst Isle Bc icon
Stormwind Harbor IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Stormwind City The-bravery The Bravery
The Kraken The Kraken
Mercenary ship available during the quest A [30-35] Call of Duty
Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil
Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra Wrath-Logo-Small
Briny Cutter, Vashj'ir Cataclysm
Shalandis Isle Bc icon IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Ghostlands Bc icon None
Menethil Harbor IconSmall Dwarf MaleIconSmall Dwarf Female
IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
Wetlands Theladymehley The Lady Mehley
Northspear-menethil Northspear
Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh
Valgarde, Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small
Northwatch Hold IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Southern Barrens None
Theramore Isle IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Dustwallow Marsh Theladymehley The Lady Mehley Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
New Feathermoon IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Feralas None
Marshtide Watch IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Swamp of Sorrows None
Surwich IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female Blasted Lands None
Valiance Keep Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Borean Tundra Wrath-Logo-Small The Kraken The Kraken Stormwind Harbor, Stormwind City
Valgarde Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small Northspear-menethil Northspear Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
Highbank Cataclysm IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Twilight Highlands Cataclysm None
Lion's Landing Mists of Pandaria Krasarang Wilds Mists of Pandaria None
Lunarfall Shipyard Warlords of Draenor Shadowmoon Valley Warlords of Draenor Transport ship available during the quest B [40] The Invasion of Tanaan Zeth'kur, Tanaan Jungle Warlords of Draenor

Former Alliance Crest Alliance harbors[]

Name Races Location Status
Auberdine IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Darkshore Destroyed by a Deathwing flyover and a subsequent elemental attack.
Southshore IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Hillsbrad Foothills Destroyed by the Forsaken in a massive plague bombing attack.
Feathermoon Stronghold (Classic) IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Feralas Destroyed by a naga attack after the sinking of the Isle of Dread.

Horde Crest Horde harbors[]

Name Races Location Ship routes Destination
Bladefist Bay IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female Durotar Mercenary ship available during the quest H [30-35] Call of Duty The Immortal Coil, Vashj'ir Cataclysm
Sen'jin Village IconSmall Troll MaleIconSmall Troll Female Durotar None
Bilgewater Port Cataclysm IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Kezan Cataclysm Gallywix's Yacht available during the quest H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Life Savings Shipwreck Shore, The Lost Isles Cataclysm
Gallywix Docks Cataclysm IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Lost Isles Cataclysm Gallywix's Second Yacht available during the quest H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Warchief's Emissary Bladefist Bay, Durotar
Bilgewater Harbor IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Azshara None
Shatterspear War Camp IconSmall Troll MaleIconSmall Troll Female Darkshore None
Zoram'gar Docks IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female Ashenvale None
Ruins of Southshore IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female Hillsbrad Foothills None
Hardwrench Hideaway IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Cape of Stranglethorn None
Shadowprey Village IconSmall Troll MaleIconSmall Troll Female Desolace None
Revantusk Village IconSmall ForestTroll MaleIconSmall ForestTroll Female The Hinterlands None
Vengeance Landing Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small None
Dragonmaw Port Cataclysm IconSmall Dragonmaw MaleIconSmall Dragonmaw Female Twilight Highlands Cataclysm None
Garrosh'ar Point Mists of Pandaria Jade Forest Mists of Pandaria None
Domination Point Mists of Pandaria Krasarang Wilds Mists of Pandaria None
Frostwall Shipyard Warlords of Draenor Frostfire Ridge Transport ship available during the quest B [40] The Invasion of Tanaan Zeth'kur, Tanaan Jungle Warlords of Draenor

Former Horde Crest Horde harbors[]

Name Races Location Status
Sunsail Anchorage Bc icon IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female Eversong Woods Bc icon Taken over by the Wretched.
Garrosh's Landing Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female Borean Tundra Wrath-Logo-Small Destroyed in a kvaldir raid.

Neutral Neutral harbors[]

Name Races Location Ship routes Destination
Ratchet IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Northern Barrens Maiden's Fancy The Maiden's Fancy Booty Bay, Cape of Stranglethorn
Faldir's Cove IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Arathi Highlands None
Booty Bay IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Cape of Stranglethorn Maiden's Fancy The Maiden's Fancy Ratchet, Northern Barrens
King's Harbor IconSmall HumanDeathKnight MaleIconSmall HumanDeathKnight Female Eastern Plaguelands None
Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female
IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female
Thousand Needles None
Fuselight-by-the-Sea IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Badlands None
Bogpaddle IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Swamp of Sorrows None
Sun's Reach Harbor Bc icon IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female
IconSmall Draenei MaleIconSmall Draenei Female
Isle of Quel'Danas Bc icon None
Unu'pe Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Tuskarr Borean Tundra Wrath-Logo-Small Walker of Waves Walker of Waves Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight Wrath-Logo-Small
Kamagua Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Tuskarr Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small Green Island Green Island Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight Wrath-Logo-Small
Moa'ki Harbor Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Tuskarr Dragonblight Wrath-Logo-Small Walker of Waves Walker of Waves
Green Island Green Island
Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight Wrath-Logo-Small
Kamagua, Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small
Schnottz's Landing Cataclysm IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Uldum Cataclysm None
Sri-La Village Mists of Pandaria The Jade Forest Mists of Pandaria None
Pinchwhistle Gearworks Spires of Arak Warlords of Draenor

Former Neutral Neutral harbors[]

Name Races Location Status
Steamwheedle Port IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Tanaris Destroyed by a tsunami during the Cataclysm.

Contested and enemy-controlled harbors[]

Name Races Faction Location
Keel Harbor IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female
IconSmall Worgen MaleIconSmall Worgen Female
Alcaz Island IconSmall Naga MaleIconSmall Naga Female
IconSmall DrakeBlack
Strashaz Naga
Firemane Drakes
Dustwallow Marsh
Lost Rigger Cove IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Southsea Pirates Tanaris
Kaskala Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Tuskarr
IconSmall SeaVrykul MaleIconSmall SeaVrykul Female
The Kalu'ak
Borean Tundra Wrath-Logo-Small
Scalawag Point Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Northsea Freebooters Howling Fjord Wrath-Logo-Small
New Hearthglen Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Scarlet Onslaught Dragonblight Wrath-Logo-Small
Venture Bay Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female
IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female
Venture Company
Westfall Brigade Encampment
Conquest Hold
Grizzly Hills Wrath-Logo-Small
Onslaught Harbor Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Scarlet Onslaught Icecrown Wrath-Logo-Small
The Docks Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female
Valiance Expedition
Warsong Offensive
Isle of Conquest Wrath-Logo-Small
Rustberg Village Cataclysm IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female
Baradin's Wardens
Hellscream's Reach
Tol Barad Peninsula Cataclysm
Wellson Shipyard Cataclysm IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female
Baradin's Wardens
Hellscream's Reach
Tol Barad Peninsula Cataclysm
Redrock Harbor Battle for Azeroth IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female
IconSmall KulTiran MaleIconSmall KulTiran Female
Ashvane Trading Company Vol'dun Battle for Azeroth