Hatecoil Stormweaver

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
MobHatecoil Stormweaver
Image of Hatecoil Stormweaver
Gender Female
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hatecoil
Location Eye of Azshara, Eye of Azshara (instance)
Status Killable

Hatecoil Stormweavers are naga located in the instanced and uninstanced versions of the Eye of Azshara.


  • Arc Lightning - Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 0 targets, causing 0 Nature damage to each.
  • Lightning Blast - Inflicts 0 Nature damage to a random enemy.
  • Storm - Channels a fierce electrical storm, inflicting 0 Nature damage to enemies within 0 yds every 5 sec for 12 sec.

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As they use storm abilities, they could be sea witches.

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Instanced Uninstanced