Hatock the Gronnmaster

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
MobHatock the Gronnmaster
Image of Hatock the Gronnmaster
Title <Son of the Iron Wolf>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Class Hunter
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Thunderlord clan, Iron Horde
Location Grulloc's Lair, Frostfire Ridge

Deceased (lore)

Relative(s) Fenris Wolfbrother (father), Ger'hel (mother), Grotan & Skal (brothers), Durotan, Ga'nar (uncles), Garad & Geyah (grandparents)

Hatock the Gronnmaster is the eldest son of the Iron Wolf, and one of the greatest hunters the Thunderlords have ever fielded. He was there when his father murdered Garad and left Ga'nar for dead. He has captured Grulloc, a son of Gruul. Ga'nar wanted him dead, what became a reality after the gronn was killed.


Objective of[]


Main article: The Eldest#Notes


  • It is unknown what happened to Hatock from the original timeline or even if he existed.
  • Hatock is voiced by Matthew Mercer.

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