Hellscream's Legacy

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceHellscream's Legacy
Start Huntress Jalin
End Sentinel Heliana
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 2100
Reputation +250 Darnassus,
+250 Gnomeregan
Previous A [10-30] Return to Stardust


Slay 10 Krom'gar Incinerators.


Enter Stonetalon Mountains through Talondeep Pass and head towards the smoldering trees. Seek out the Krom'gar incinerators that are destroying the forest and slay as many as you can! Be warned, the incinerators are powerful orcs. Attacking them through conventional means will likely result in your death. Destroy the oil canisters on their backs and they will be devoured by flame!

Report to Sentinel Heliana at Windshear Mine should you succeed. She will have your new orders.


You will receive:


With the Krom'gar incinerators dealt with, the forest may be allowed to regrow. Only time can heal the wounds left by the Horde.


Requires completion of a quest chain in Ashenvale from Stardust Spire before becoming available.

  1. A [7-30] To the Spire or A [10-30] Hero's Call: Stonetalon Mountains! (optional breadcrumb quests)
  2. A [7-30] They Took Our Gnomes / A [7-30] Ze Gnomecorder
  3. A [7-30] They Set Them Up The Bomb
  4. A [10-30] Do Yourself a Favor
  5. A [10-30] The Only Way Down is in a Body Bag
  6. A [10-30] Return to Stardust

Gnomecorder and Mine:

  1. A [7-30] Field Test: Gnomecorder
    • Side quest: A [7-30] Hellscream's Legacy
  2. A [7-30] Burn, Baby, Burn!
  3. A [10-30] Bombs Away: Windshear Mine!
  4. A [10-30] Don't Look Them in the Eyes

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