
  • ️Tue Jul 11 2023
For the Classic spell, see Spell holy righteousfury [Judgement].

Spell holy righteousfury

  • Judgment
  • Level 3 paladin ability
  • 30 yd range
  • 2.4% of base mana
  • 12 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Judges the target, dealing (57.06% of Spell power) Holy damage.

    Generates 1 Holy Power.

  • Rank 2: Damage increased 50%.
Class Paladin
School Holy
Cooldown 12 sec
Other information
Level learned 3
Rank levels 8 (rank 2)
Improvements Achievement arena 3v3 7 [Blades of Light], Achievement bg trueavshutout [Blessed Champion], Ability paladin judgementofthewise [Boundless Judgment], Ability paladin enlightenedjudgements [Crusader's Judgment], Spell holy healingaura [Divine Glimpse], Ability paladin conviction [Divine Punisher], Spell holy sealofvengeance [Empyrean Legacy], Spell holy righteousfury [Greater Judgment], Ability paladin judgementred [Highlord's Judgment], Spell holy righteousfury [Improved Judgment], Inv axe 1h warfrontsalliance c 01 [Judge, Jury and Executioner], Ability paladin judgementblue [Judgment of Justice], Spell holy divineprovidence [Judgment of Light], Ability paladin judgementofthepure [Judgments of the Pure], Ability paladin judgementred [Lawbringer], Ability paladin blessedhands [Power of the Silver Hand], Ability priest holybolts01 [Righteous Judgment], Spell holy sealofvengeance [Seal of Alacrity], Ability paladin judgementofthepure [Swift Justice], Ability crown of the heavens icon [Veneration], Ability paladin conviction [Zealot's Paragon]

Judgment is a level 3 paladin ranged ability. It deals Holy damage to the target.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Rank 1 Rank 2