Lord Kazzak

  • ️Tue Jun 23 2015
This article is about character history and biography. For his tactics in Hellfire Peninsula, see Doom Lord Kazzak. For his tactics in Tanaan Jungle, see Supreme Lord Kazzak.
For his removed original encounter on Azeroth, see Lord Kazzak (tactics).
Image of Kazzak
Title Supreme Lord,
Doom Lord,
Icon-RPG the Supreme[2]
Gender Male
Race(s) Ered'ruin (Demon)
Class Doomlord
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Occupation Legion Field Commander[citation needed]  in Outland, Re-opener of the Dark Portal (Formerly field commander on Azeroth)
Location Twisting Nether (Lore)
Status Defeated
Old Lord Kazzak

Kazzak in the Blasted Lands.


Kazzak in Hellfire Peninsula.

Supreme Lord Kazzak

In Tanaan Jungle.

Supreme Lord Kazzak is a battle-hardened doomlord[3] and commander of Burning Legion forces. After the Third War, Lord Kazzak remained on Azeroth, in the Blasted Lands, and later reopened the Dark Portal, allowing the Legion to invade once more and marking the beginning of the invasion of Outland. Though Doom Lord Kazzak himself was defeated, he returned as Supreme Lord in the war in Draenor.


When the Burning Legion began its second invasion of Azeroth, Lord Kazzak participated it, being summoned by Kel'Thuzad near Dalaran, coming right after Mannoroth.[4] His most fearsome lieutenant was Razelikh the Defiler. Following the defeat of the Burning Legion at the end of the Third War, the remaining enemy forces, led by the colossal demon Lord Kazzak, pulled back to the Blasted Lands.[5] He tasked Razelikh to secure the land.[6]

In the year 25, Kazzak was located in the Tainted Scar, terrorizing the adventurers of the Horde and Alliance.

One year later, with the future in peril, a relic of the past had also surfaced, radiating renewed energy. This relic had enabled Lord Kazzak to activate the current Dark Portal, thereby reopening the gateway to the shattered realm of Outland.[7] With the portal now opened, Lord Kazzak was seen departing through the Dark Portal. In his stead he left his most powerful lieutenant, Highlord Kruul, to sow fear and confusion among the defenders. He also entrusted him with retrieving the shards of the Glaive of the Aspects.

Accompanied by a host of infernals, Kruul was seen near a number of major cities in Azeroth. Once Lord Kazzak passed through back to Outland, he was promoted to Doom Lord Kazzak, commanding the Legion in the broken world,[8] and set up his seat at the Throne of Kil'jaeden, a mountain in the Hellfire Peninsula, which he protected until he was defeated.

Kazzak re-emerged from the Twisting Nether in the alternate version of Draenor and is located at the Throne of Kil'jaeden where adventurers of the Horde and Alliance attack him once again.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Lord Kazzak (tactics) ?? 910,000
Lord Kazzak (Anniversary) ?? 10,807,500
Doom Lord Kazzak ?? 378,560
Supreme Lord Kazzak ?? 2,794,501

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


Kazzak in the Monster Guide

Kazzak is a doomguard[9] and is known as Kil'jaeden's Right Hand[10] and Lord of the Doomguard demons.[11]

Archimonde left his blade, the Warblade of Archimonde, in Kazzak's hands. Kazzak wields it in deference to his commander, often holding the weapon aloft and shouting “For Archimonde!” as a battle cry when entering combat.[12] Lord Kazzak's main goal — indeed, his only goal — was to reopen the Dark Portal and return to Draenor, now the shattered realm of Outland. It was unknown if he had the intent to serve Illidan or raise an army to fight the night elf betrayer.[13]

After his master's defeat Kazzak pulled back. He and his forces then occupied a ravaged area in the Blasted Lands known as the Tainted Scar. He lived in a tower hidden in the poisonous fog.[14] Kazzak was a mighty demon with great power, but he lacked independent initiative. Trapped within the Tainted Scar, he was completely cut off from contact with any other demonic forces on Azeroth. Even if such personages — such as Balnazzar — became aware of his presence, they would likely avoid contact for fear of Kazzak's power.[13]

Unlike many demon leaders, who tend to stay behind the lines and direct their minions against a foe, Lord Kazzak loves nothing more than to wade right into the heat of battle. There, he shatters formations with his shadow storm ability while laying waste to individual heroes with his mighty greatsword. As the battle enters its most critical phase, he flies into a rage, reveling in an orgy of destruction.[15]


Main article: Doom Lord Kazzak#Quotes
Main article: Supreme Lord Kazzak#Quotes


  • The legendary item Inv belt cloth raidwarlock i 01 [Kazzak's Final Curse] is named after him.
  • In the Fury of Hellfire trailer, a doomguard is seen, likely to be Kazzak.
  • Arazzius the Cruel was one of his lieutenants and Vorakem Doomspeaker his herald.
  • Kazzak was in contact with Warbringer Razuun.[16]
  • Those seeking to kill Kazzak from Cataclysm onwards will discover that finding him can be difficult, as he has a long respawn timer and is killed very quickly by whoever finds him first.


Patch changes[]

See also[]


Major races
Minor races
Groups &
Satyr sects
Shadow Council (alternate)
Third invasion's allies