Instance attunement

  • ️Tue Sep 10 2013
For the passive bonuses to secondary stats, see Secondary stat attunement.

Instance attunement refers to the process of gaining permanent access to an instance. The term comes from one of the first of such quests created: N [30D] Attunement to the Core. Many of the endgame instances originally required you to complete a quest or obtain a certain item to enter. This strategy has largely been phased out, although some instances (particularly select mythic dungeons) still require attunement.


Battle for Azeroth[]

Continuing with Legion's theme, Battle for Azeroth introduced two Mythic difficulty only dungeons that require personal attunements to access. The attunement requirements are different per faction. Patch 8.1.0 introduced Heroic modes for these dungeons that do not require an attunement to access. The attunements were removed in a hotfix shortly after the release of patch 8.1.0.


The Legion expansion returned the concept of personal attunements to three Mythic-only dungeons in the form of lengthy quest-chains. Patch 7.2.0 introduced Heroic modes for these dungeons that do not require an attunement to access. These attunements were removed in patch 7.3.0.

Heroic mode keys[]

Previously, to enter the heroic mode version of an Outland instance you must have earned honored reputation status with a specific faction related to that instance. Once honored status is obtained, the keys can simply be purchased from that faction's quartermaster. The currently available instances and their respective factions are listed below. Please note that all party members must have a key to enter the instance in heroic mode.

Hellfire Citadel Alliance Honor Hold
Horde Thrallmar
Coilfang Reservoir Cenarion Expedition
Auchindoun Lower City
Tempest Keep Sha'tar
Caverns of Time Keepers of Time
Magister's Terrace Players must complete the quest chain that starts from Exarch Larethor on the Isle of Quel'Danas and require killing the final boss on Normal difficulty.

Other dungeon keys[]

Blackrock Depths Inv misc key 08 [Shadowforge Key]
Dire Maul Inv misc key 10 [Crescent Key]
Gnomeregan Inv misc key 06 [Workshop Key]
Maraudon Inv staff 16 [Scepter of Celebras]
Original Scarlet Monastery instances Inv misc key 01 [The Scarlet Key]
Scholomance Inv misc key 11 [Skeleton Key]
Stratholme Inv misc key 13 [Key to the City]
Upper Blackrock Spire Inv jewelry ring 01 [Seal of Ascension]
Wrath-Logo-SmallViolet Hold Inv misc key 02 [The Violet Hold Key]
Zul'Farrak Inv hammer 19 [Mallet of Zul'Farrak]


There are presently no raid instances that require an attunement in World of Warcraft. However, many former raids previously required an attunement to enter.

Except for Karazhan and the Eye of Eternity, all raid members originally needed to become attuned to enter the following raid instances. Both Molten Core and previously Blackwing Lair provide attunement quests that allow the player to quickly travel to the raid entrance, but these are not required to enter the instances themselves.

Boss attunements[]

Certain raid and dungeon bosses could also be unlocked through certain player actions. For example, the last two bosses of Molten Core would only be accessible if at least seven raiders achieved revered reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords, obtained a specific item from the Waterlords, and brought it with them to the raid. As future expansions are released, prior-expansion bosses are generally unlocked by default and are accessible regardless of party makeup.

April Fool's[]

For April Fool's 2007, Blizzard released a joke attunement page listing all of the impossible tasks that needed to be accomplished in order to enter the Black Temple.[1] This was a reference to a popular chart at the time listing all of the attunement requirements for The Burning Crusade and how they funneled into attuning to Mount Hyjal, making it appear that simply attuning to the raid was a monumental task made up of every attunement in the expansion.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Black Temple Attunement Is Serious Business. Archived from the original on 2007-04-06. Retrieved on 2007-07-10.