Leyline Abuse

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralLeyline Abuse
Start Projection of Senegos
End Projection of Senegos
Level 10-45
Category Azsuna
Experience 14,800
Reputation +150 Court of Farondis
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)
Previous N [10-45] Runas Knows the Way
Next N [10-45] The Nightborne Prince
N [10-45] You Scratch My Back...


Slay Ishkhaneth and Tyndrissen.


These monsters are pulling mana directly out of the ground. This explains why not even my mana pools can dull my pain.

I worry about my brood. Without the power of the ley lines, we are nothing. At this rate, I may not even be able to help you with your Tidestone.

Look for their mana siphons, and punish the cowardly nightfallen elves that are using them.


You will receive: 19g 40s (at level 110)


With each one of these cretins you slay, I grow stronger.


I do feel a bit stronger.

Those siphons nearly did me in, <name>.



Approach the ruins
Ael'Yith says: Interloper... you're here to steal my mana aren't you?!
Ael'Yith says: Here, then. Have a taste!
From the northeast building, several charges of arcane blasts are lobbed towards the adventurer.
Tyndrissen killed
Ael'Yith says: Picking off my lieutenants? I suppose you think you're clever.
Ael'Yith bombards the player.
Ishkhaneth killed
Ael'Yith says: Ishkhaneth, you fool. You've spilled your blood and you've spilled my mana.
Ael'Yith bombards the player.


  1. N [10-45] Journey to the Repose
  2. N [10-45] The Death of the Eldest
  3. N [10-45] Agapanthus
  4. N [10-45] Their Dying Breaths
  5. N [10-45] The Last of the Last
  6. N [10-45] The Withered & N [10-45] The Consumed
  7. N [10-45] Stellagosa (Optional)
  8. N [10-45] Runas the Shamed
  9. N [10-45] Runas Knows the Way
  10. N [10-45] Leyline Abuse & N [10-45] The Hunger Returns
  11. N [10-45] The Nightborne Prince
  12. N [10-45] Still Alive
  13. N [10-45] On the Brink & N [10-45] Feasting on the Dragon
  14. N [10-45] Cursed to Wither
  15. N [10-45] Hunger's End

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