Lower Blackrock Spire

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
Lower Blackrock Spire
Blackrock Spire loading screen

Blackrock Spire loading graphic

Location Inside Blackrock Spire, Blackrock Mountain
Race(s) Black dragon Black dragon
IconSmall OrcGray MaleIconSmall OrcGray Female Orc
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
OgreOgre Ogre
End boss IconSmall SpawnBlack Overlord Wyrmthalak
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Advised level 52-61
Player limit 5

Burning Felguard (rare)
Spirestone Butcher (rare)
Spirestone Battle Lord (rare)
Spirestone Lord Magus (rare)
Highlord Omokk
Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin
War Master Voone
Mor Grayhoof (summoned)
Bannok Grimaxe (rare)
Mother Smolderweb
Crystal Fang (rare)
Urok Doomhowl (summoned)
Quartermaster Zigris
Gizrul the Slavener
Ghok Bashguud (rare)
Overlord Wyrmthalak




Blackrock Mountain

Lower Blackrock Spire is a 5-man instance designed for adventurers around levels 56-60. Its entrance is located inside Blackrock Mountain, on the south side of the Hall of Blackhand, across from Upper Blackrock Spire.


See also: Blackrock Spire

The majority of Rend's Dark Horde reside in Lower Blackrock Spire, making the city a sort of sprawling barracks. Only the elite members of the Dark Horde are allowed to live in the upper reaches of the city. Overlord Wyrmthalak acts as the ruler and taskmaster of these soldiers.

The orcs of the Blackrock Clan dominate most of the ruins of Lower Blackrock Spire, though they are divided up into various legions. These include the Scarshield Legion, the Bloodaxe Legion, and the Firebrand Legion. The elite Blackhand Legion resides in Upper Blackrock Spire. The orcs share the city with a contingent of Spirestone ogres and Smolderthorn trolls, who are also members of Rend's Dark Horde. The ruins are also home to a host of Spire Spiders who have infested a ruined corner of the city.

After the fall of Rend's Dark Horde, Drakonid Monstrosities and Dragonspawn Refugees can be seen in a portion of the dungeon.

Maps and subregions[]

  • Hall of Blackhand

    Hall of Blackhand

  • Hordemar City

    Hordemar City

  • Skitterweb Tunnels

    Skitterweb Tunnels

  • Tazz'Alor


  • Dragonspire Hall

    Dragonspire Hall

  • The Rookery

    The Rookery


Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Neutral Neutral Quests
B [57D] Adventurers Wanted: Blackrock Spire (optional) Hero's Call Board/Warchief's Command Board Capital cities
N [20-30D] A Potential Ally IconSmall DarkIron Male Neutral Overseer Oilfist Searing Gorge
N [20-30D] Trolls, Ogres, and Orcs, Oh My! IconSmall DragonRed Acride Hall of Blackhand, Blackrock Spire

Removed quests[]


Burning Steppes[]

Lower Blackrock Spire[]




Lower Blackrock Spire bosses

Lower Blackrock Spire bosses

Bosses Monsters
  • Hall of Blackhand


Main article: Lower Blackrock Spire loot



Patch changes[]


  1. ^ John Staats 2018-09-14. John Staats AMA, author of 'The World of Warcraft Diary'.​ “LBRS was my Moria tribute, BRD was built before the films, so similarities [in that dungeon] are a coincidence.”

External links[]