
  • ️Tue Dec 11 2018
This article is about the weapon's lore. For the items, see Inv glaive 1h battledungeon c 01 [The Glaive of Vol'jin] and Inv glaive 1h battledungeon c 01 [The Bloodied Glaive of Vol'jin]. For the ship, see Vol'jin's Glaive.
Glaive of Vol'jin pedestal

A shrine in Dazar'alor with Nekana and a plaque.

The Glaive of Vol'jin

Nekana on the Echo Isles.

The Bloodied Glaive of Vol'jin

Nekana in Dazar'alor close-up.

Nekana,[1] sometimes referred to simply as the Glaive of Vol'jin, is a warglaive that belonged to the deceased Warchief of the Horde, Vol'jin. From the Darkspear Rebellion forward, it was Vol'jin's favored weapon.



Vol'jin wielding his glaive during his time as Warchief.

During Vol'jin's time recovering from Garrosh Hellscream's assassination attempt at Shado-Pan Monastery, Chen Stormstout shared a test brew that left the drinker with a feeling of freedom, mainly linked with a past memory of the emotion. Vol'jin recalled the emotion as the peace one knows when crushing one's enemies, their dreams dying with them and leaving one's future clear like the morning after the rain, the crisp snapping of their bones, and their dying sighs of a quick death.[2]

Some time later, Vol'jin was sent a vision by the loa warning him of the Zandalari Invaders that were sailing from the Isle of Thunder to attack Zouchin Village and secure a landing zone. During the preparations to blunt the invasion and evacuate the villagers, Chen had the Shado-Pan replace the weapon Vol'jin had lost, telling Brother Xiao to make the glaive Vol'jin had remembered from the brew. Chen directed their swordsmiths to knock the grips off two of their curved swords, then Xiao riveted the tangs together and wrapped them in shark's skin over bamboo. After it was completed, Chen proudly presented it to Vol'jin after the troll had been outfitted with armor. When snapped still, the blades curiously quivered and hummed. Though it wasn't his glaive, the balance matched favorably, and he commented that Xiao had done well.[3]

Vol'jin continued to wield this glaive for the rest of his life. Following the Battle for the Broken Shore and Vol'jin's death, Nekana was hung with his mask and other weapons in a place of honor on the wall within Grommash Hold.[4]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Nekana would eventually be moved to a display on the Echo Isles. After Zalazane escaped Bwonsamdi's grasp,[5] Master Gadrin requested that the Horde Speaker retrieve the glaive in order to use it's power to end Zalazane.[6] They were successful, Zalazane not believing that Vol'jin' could have such power.[7]

Princess Talanji then suggested that Vol'jin's remains (including his urn and glaive), be taken to Atal'Dazar to rest alongside the other great troll leaders of the past.[8] After discovering that his spirit no longer rested in the urn, Gadrin led a seance to contact the former warchief. Vol'jin's spirit responded, claiming that the Shadowlands were in turmoil due to G'huun and instructed the adventurer to use Nekana to finish off the old god once and for all.[9] Afterwards, Vol'jin's spirit, the adventurer, and Talanji proudly displayed the bloodied glaived for all of Zuldazar to see, using it as proof of both Talanji's ability to lead the Zandalari to victory and how much the Horde had aided the Zandalari Empire.[10] Nekana was then put on a plaque and displayed near the shrines of the loa on Dazar'alor.

Dazar'alor plaque[]

The Bloodied Glaive of Vol'jin

Behold the Glaive of Vol'jin, son of Sen'jin, Warchief of the Horde, Chieftain of the Darkspear tribe, Shadow Hunter, and the troll who showed Zandalar what it meant to stand with family over empire.

This blade has tasted the flesh of G'huun, and is a symbol of the power the Zandalari can achieve when they ally with the Horde, instead of trying to conquer it.


  • Nekana used multiple warglaive models in Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor, looking like a simple metal glaive with either symmetrical or asymmetrical blades. In Legion, it was finally given a unique model with a wooden hilt and hand-guard over symmetrical metal blades, matching its artwork from patch 5.3.0.


  • Patch 5.3: Escalation art

  • Warchief Vol'jin with Nekana at Brewfest (old model)

    Warchief Vol'jin with Nekana at Brewfest (old model)

  • Nekana on Vol'jin's funeral pyre

    Nekana on Vol'jin's funeral pyre

Patch changes[]


External links[]

The Glaive of Vol'jinThe Bloodied Glaive of Vol'jin