Nether Dragon

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
For the creature type, see nether dragon.
NeutralNether Dragon
Image of Nether Dragon
Race Nether dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 25-30
Affiliation(s) Netherwing dragonflight
Location Celestial Ridge, Netherstorm

Nether Dragons can be found on the Celestial Ridge in the Netherstorm.

They are members of the Netherwing faction and thus will be hostile or friendly depending on your reputation. If friendly they can be killed, without lowering your repuation, by selecting 'At War' in the reputation panel.


  • Spell holy senseundead Intangible Presence — Physical damage taken is reduced by 40%. Magical damage taken is increased by 20%.
  • Spell arcane massdispel Netherbreath — Inflicts Arcane damage every 1 sec. to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.

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