New Kargath

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the old settlement before the Cataclysm, see Kargath.
HordeNew Kargath
New Kargath - front (Castaclysm)
Type Fortress
Leader(s) IconSmall Orc Male Gorn
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
Affiliation(s) Horde Horde
Location Northwestern Badlands
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone Bank       Undone Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)
New Kargath (Cataclysm)

An alternate view of New Kargath.

New Kargath, built atop Apocryphan's Rest near the shattered Ruins of Kargath, is the new Horde bastion within the Badlands, erected after the Cataclysm. It is a full-fledged town and appears to be under constant attack by members of the Black dragonflight, and its blacksmith is occupied by them.

The town is equipped with several catapults and blade throwers.


Travel connections[]

New Kargath is a critical flight hub linking the northern and southern parts of the Eastern Kingdoms.


Horde The Undercity Horde Hammerfall Horde Fuselight Horde Bloodwatcher Point Horde Stonard Horde Booty Bay Horde Grom'Gol

Patch changes[]

External links[]