Nexus (instance)

  • ️Tue Jun 23 2015
This article is about the 5-man instanced dungeon. For the Borean Tundra sub-zone, see Nexus.
The Nexus
The Nexus loading screen

The Nexus loading screen

Location Coldarra, Borean Tundra
Race(s) Blue dragon Blue dragon
HumanHuman Human
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
End boss IconSmall Keristrasza Keristrasza
Advised level 71 - 73
Player limit 5

Kolurg (heroic Alliance)
Stoutbeard (heroic Horde)
Grand Magus Telestra
Ormorok the Tree-Shaper


Other Nexus instances

The Oculus (5)
The Eye of Eternity (10/25)

The Nexus
The Nexus (5)

Commander Kolurg (heroic Alliance)
Commander Stoutbeard (heroic Horde)
Grand Magus Telestra
Ormorok the Tree-Shaper

The Oculus (5)

Drakos the Interrogator
Varos Cloudstrider
Mage-Lord Urom
Ley-Guardian Eregos

The Eye of Eternity (10/25)


Nexus bosses

The Nexus bosses.

The Nexus is a dungeon in Northrend contained in the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion. To enter the instance before level 77 players must first do a quest line for a red dragon who then flies you to the entrance.[1] The dungeon layout is very open. You can go into different "wings", but the final boss, Keristrasza, a captured red dragon, can only be freed from her ice prison when you kill the previous three bosses.

The overall area is composed of:


To get there, you need to ride to Amber Ledge in the northwestern Borean Tundra. A dragon will then fly you over to Coldarra. The entrance to the dungeon is somewhat hidden at the bottom of the rifts in the middle of Coldarra. Just go down, and when you see the Arcane Serpents, you are there.



Instance map

Other versions[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.


Legendary zone map

A special version of the Nexus exists for players on the quest to obtain Stave 2h tarecgosa e 01stagefinal [Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest].

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During N Mage [10-45] The Nexus Vault and N Priest [10-45] The Nexus Vault, the area is referred to as The Beyond.

Dungeon Journal[]

In order to reestablish his dominance over magic, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, has launched a ruthless campaign to sever the link between mortals and the arcane energies coursing through Azeroth. To this end, his blue dragonflight is redirecting the ley lines of the world to the Nexus, Malygos' towering lair.

Dungeon denizens[]


Heroic mode; Optional


Bosses Monsters


Main article: The Nexus Loot


Neutral The Nexus quests
Quest Name Quest Giver Subzone
This quest takes place in this zone A [10-30D] Have They No Shame? IconSmall Human FemaleNeutral Image of Warmage Kaitlyn The Nexus
This quest takes place in this zone H [10-30D] Have They No Shame? IconSmall Human FemaleNeutral Image of Warmage Kaitlyn The Nexus
This quest takes place in this zoneThis quest is part of a chain N [10-30D] Postponing the Inevitable IconSmall Human FemaleNeutral Image of Warmage Kaitlyn The Nexus
This quest takes place in this zoneThis quest is part of a chain N [10-30D] Prisoner of War IconSmall Human FemaleNeutral Warmage Kaitlyn The Nexus
This quest takes place in this zoneThis quest is part of a chain N [10-30D] Quickening IconSmall Human FemaleNeutral Image of Warmage Kaitlyn The Nexus



Patch changes[]


External links[]

Nexus The Beyond Scenario