Orgrimmar Skyway

Orgrimmar Skyway

The Orgrimmar Skyway

The Orgrimmar Skyway is an unnamed subzone inside the orc city of Orgrimmar. It consists of two zeppelin towers, a flight master, a riding trainer, a flying mount vendor and several Orgrimmar Skyway Peons. It was built after the Cataclysm to adapt the city to flying mounts. The quartermasters for Orgrimmar, the Darkspear Trolls, and the Bilgewater Cartel can be found here.

Aside from the zeppelins, flight master, and flying mount, there are three elevators that can take players to the Skyway. The first elevator[49.3, 50.6] is located within the Valley of Wisdom. The Valley of Strength has two of them: one[50.6, 63.7] near the entry to The Drag and one[44.2, 68.2] towards the Goblin Slums.

The area is also notable for having the pet battle trainer and the Darkmoon representative. Since the Burning Legion's third invasion, a group of the Illidari made a camp here.


Illidari Camp
At the Stranglethorn Vale/Tirisfal Glades zeppelin tower[52.6, 52.8]
At the Thunder Bluff/Borean Tundra zeppelin tower [43.2, 59.6]


  • The subzone doesn't currently have a name but is referred to as Orgrimmar Skyway by the peons working there and other NPCs in-game.
  • Before Cataclysm, the area of the Cleft of Shadow had a view to the sky.