Paladin attributes

The base attributes of each race are standard and increase at predictable rates with leveling. Obtaining equipment with bonuses to the various attributes is essential to the paladin's development. Choosing the best attribute bonuses is a challenging and ongoing process. This article is a guide on Paladin attributes.


Strength affects the base damage a Paladin can do with melee attacks and affects the amount of damage that can be blocked with a shield. The natural leveling of a Paladin enhances strength faster than agility, intellect, or spirit. Equipment that adds to strength will increase the damage done with each attack slightly. Retribution Paladins specced with Ability golemthunderclap [Divine Strength] usually stack a lot of strength.


Agility increases the melee critical hit chance and dodge. Point for point, critical strike rating is better for damage and dodge rating is better for tanking, but agility is still useful.


Stamina adds to the characters hit points (or health). Stamina is the other attribute that increases rapidly as the Paladin levels. Being able to absorb more damage is always a good thing for a Paladin. It is the key stat for tanking, and many level 80 tanks will stack pure stamina once they've reached the defense cap.


Intellect adds to the characters available mana pool, and increases spell critical strike chance. It is by far the best stat for holy paladins, since it contributes to sustained healing ability in several ways: the size of the initial mana pool, the amount of mana returned through Spell magic managain [Replenishment], and the mana returned through Spell holy greaterheal [Illumination].


Spirit increases the regeneration rate of health and mana when not in combat. Spirit helps shorten downtime between fights. Paladins rarely have much downtime between fights due to self healing and Blessing of Wisdom, which accelerates mana regeneration. Unlike other casters, paladins do not have an ability that allows a percentage of out-of-combat mana regeneration to continue while fighting, so spirit is of very little use.

Nevertheless, since TBC, secondary attributes (e.g. spell damage, defense, critical strike rating, etc.) on the gear has become more important than ever before. Please refer to specific guides for priority of importantce for those stats.

Attribute values at different levels[]

Starting attribute values depend on the race.

Race Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit
Blood elf 19 22 22 23 19
Draenei 23 17 22 20 23
Dwarf 27 16 23 19 20
Human 22 20 22 20 21

However, attribute gains on later levels don't depend on the race. The only exception is spirit, since the human race has Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall [The Human Spirit] racial trait which increases their spirit by 10%.

Level Additional strength Additional agility Additional stamina Additional intellect Additional spirit Human base spirit
1 0 0 0 0 0 22
2 1 1 1 1 1 data missing (23 or 24)
3 2 1 2 1 1 data missing (23 or 24)
4 3 2 3 2 2 data missing (24 or 25)
5 4 2 4 2 3 data missing (25 or 26)
6 5 3 5 3 3 data missing (25 or 26)
7 6 3 6 4 4 data missing (26 or 27)
8 7 4 6 4 4 data missing (26 or 27)
9 8 4 7 5 5 data missing (27 or 28)
10 9 5 8 5 6 29
11 10 5 9 6 7 30
12 11 6 10 7 7 30
13 12 7 11 7 8 31
14 13 7 12 8 9 33
15 14 8 14 9 9 33
16 16 8 15 9 10 34
17 17 9 16 10 11 35
18 18 10 17 11 12 36
19 19 10 18 11 12 36
20 20 11 19 12 13 37
21 21 12 20 13 14 38
22 23 12 21 14 15 39
23 24 13 22 14 16 40
24 25 14 24 15 16 40
25 26 14 25 16 17 41
26 28 15 26 17 18 42
27 29 16 27 17 19 44
28 30 16 28 18 20 45
29 32 17 30 19 21 46
30 33 18 31 20 21 46
31 34 19 32 21 22 47
32 36 19 34 22 23 48
33 37 20 35 22 24 49
34 39 21 36 23 25 50
35 40 22 38 24 26 51
36 42 23 39 25 27 52
37 43 23 40 26 28 53
38 45 24 42 27 29 55
39 46 25 43 28 30 56
40 48 26 45 29 31 57
41 49 27 46 30 32 58
42 51 27 48 31 33 59
43 52 28 49 32 34 60
44 54 29 51 32 35 61
45 56 30 52 33 36 62
46 57 31 54 34 37 63
47 59 32 55 36 38 64
48 61 33 57 37 39 66
49 62 34 59 38 41 68
50 64 35 60 39 42 69
51 66 36 62 40 43 70
52 68 37 64 41 44 71
53 70 38 65 42 45 72
54 71 39 67 43 46 73
55 73 40 69 44 48 75
56 75 41 71 45 49 77
57 77 42 72 46 50 78
58 79 43 74 48 51 79
59 81 44 76 49 53 81
60 83 45 78 50 54 82
61 85 46 80 51 55 83
62 87 47 82 52 57 85
63 89 48 84 54 58 86
64 91 49 86 55 59 88
65 93 51 88 56 61 90
66 96 52 90 58 62 91
67 98 53 92 59 64 93
68 100 54 94 60 65 94
69 102 55 96 62 66 95
70 104 57 98 63 68 97

Also, the Ability golemthunderclap [Divine Strength] talent modifies strength by up to 15%, the Spell holy divineintervention [Sacred Duty] talent modifies stamina by up to 6%, the Spell holy weaponmastery [Combat Expertise] talent modifies stamina by up to 6%, and the Spell nature sleep [Divine Intellect] talent modifies intellect by up to 10%. Base attributes include those modifications too. If a Paladin has both Sacred Duty and Combat Expertise, the base stamina modifiers stack via multiplication (for example, at maximum ranks base stamina with talents = base stamina without talents * 1.06 * 1.06 = base stamina without talents * 1.166).