Prince Farondis

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralPrince Farondis
Image of Prince Farondis
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Court of Farondis
Former affiliation(s) Highborne, Kaldorei Empire
Occupation Prince of Azsuna
Former occupation(s) Advisor to Queen Azshara
Location Azsuna
Status Active (Undead)

“The people of Azsuna were ― and always will be ― too proud to kneel before your demonic allies, witch. And we will NEVER...KNEEL...BEFORE YOU!!!”

— Prince Farondis rejecting and opposing Queen Azshara a second time, while repeatedly bombarding her with Spell mage meteor [Meteor]

Prince Farondis is a Highborne night elf and ruler of Azsuna. During the War of the Ancients, Farondis was one the few Highborne rulers who dared defy Queen Azshara, resulting in the destruction of his city Nar'thalas and most of Azsuna at her hands. Ten thousand years later, when the Legion invaded his lands yet again, Queen Azshara herself appeared before Farondis, offering to break her curse should he pledge his people's allegiance to her, but once again, Farondis rejected her, finally impressing and winning back the long-denied favor and support of his people.


Queen Azshara's pact with the demon lord Sargeras went mostly uncontested by her subjects. One of the few that dared to defy her was Prince Farondis.

As one of the queen's trusted advisors, Farondis was in regular contact with the Highborne of Zin-Azshari, but his palace in Azsuna was several leagues away from the elven capital. As such, he was able to witness Sargeras' influence on the Highborne court without falling sway to the demons' temptation.

Farondis' plan was bold, but simple - destroy the Well of Eternity in Zin-Azshari. Doing so would close the portal to Sargeras' realm and stem the tide of evil before it even started. In order to accomplish this task, he would use the power of an artifact stored deep within Nar'thalas Academy: The Inv misc enchantedpearl [Tidestone of Golganneth].

Unfortunately, the queen's influence in Farondis' palace was already deep-seated. Vandros, a young noble in Farondis' court who later settled in Suramar City, caught word of Farondis' plans to defy the Queen, and reported the insurrection to Queen Azshara herself.

Azshara wasted no time in punishing Farondis and his people. In a frightening display of arcane power, she destroyed the Tidestone of Golganneth, and in doing so, released a wave of dark energy over all of Azsuna and its inhabitants.

Since that day, the ten thousand night elves of Azsuna have been unable to experience the release of death, despite their repeated efforts to release themselves.[1] Their spirits wander the land indefinitely, all because of their prince's allegiances.[2]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

In Azsuna, Farondis aids adventurers in finding the Inv misc enchantedpearl [Tidestone of Golganneth] by bringing them to Nar'thalas Academy. He is greeted with heavy animosity by his people, and is unable to enter the academy due to his guilt.

Farondis eventually overcomes his fears and approaches the academy, where he sees Tidemistress Athissa and Warlord Parjesh kidnapping the adventurer. He considers going after them to recover the Tidestone, but opts to rescue his champion from the naga slavers. Upon reaching the mouth of the cave where the adventurer is imprisoned, he is greeted by Queen Azshara. Changing into an image of her former self when he doesn't recognize her, Azshara taunts him over how he failed his people. However, she offers to release his people from their curse if Farondis swears fealty to her.

Farondis seems to briefly consider her offer, before then quickly turning his wrath upon the queen, vowing that his people, and that of Azsuna, will never bow to her and those she allied with, and viciously attacking her with a series of Spell mage meteor [Meteor] attacks. Azshara simply laughs and disappears, claiming that her wrath is coming. He then proceeds to eliminate the naga within the cave, rescuing the adventurer. He then assists them in finding Athissa at a portal going to the Eye of Azshara so that they can retrieve the Tidestone.

During the battle against Athissa, his people return to his side, claiming that they saw him stand up to Azshara, and that any leader who would do such a thing is worth following. Even if doing that before got them all killed.

He seeks to free his people from undeath using a potion modified from the cocktail that caused Magister Garuhod to explode into a wisp.[3]

Farondis leads the defense of Azsuna during the Legion Assaults.


World quests
Legion Assaults


  • "We are cursed to spend eternity as ghosts."
  • "Yes?"
  • "I failed my people."
  • "Azsuna was once beautiful, ten thousand years ago."
  • "I should never have opposed Queen Azshara."
  • "May the power of the arcane be with you."
  • "It is through you that I will have redemption."
  • "Until we meet again."
  • "Don't blindly trust at anyone, especially your leaders."
  • "Leave me be."
  • "I'm really not in the mood."
  • "We are not amused."
  • "You dare touch my royal person?!"

Post-The Head of the Snake[]

Our work is nearly done.

I must thank you for including me in your adventure, <name>. I may have assisted you in finding the Tidestone itself, but I feel you have done so much more for me and my people.

Notes and trivia[]

Patch changes[]


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