Revival Catalyst Console

  • ️Tue Jan 24 2023
"Revival Catalyst" redirects here. For the weekly quest, see N [70W] Revival Catalyst.
Revival Catalyst Console

The Revival Catalyst Console

The Revival Catalyst Console [60.7, 53.7] is an object outside Tyrhold in Thaldraszus that lets players convert non-tier Dragonflight loot into the tier equivalent.

Unlock the console by completing N [70] Reviving the Machine, then pick up the weekly N [70W] Revival Catalyst quest and complete group content to add Ability titankeeper uncheckedcorruption [Catalyst Charges] to the console. Charges are earned account-wide, but are spent on a per-character basis. That is, each character on the account can individually use the same charge.

In patch 10.1, players will be offered N [70] The Catalyst's Boon, which removes the weekly quest requirement. Simply logging in is enough to add Ability titankeeper uncheckedcorruption [Catalyst Charges].

Convertable items[]

Revival Catalyst UI

Catalyst UI

Items in the head, shoulder, chest, hand, or legs slots that come from the following sources in the current Dragonflight season can be tranformed into the same-item level tier equivalent piece:

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 (2023-01-24): The Revival Catalyst is now available to turn gear earned from the Great Vault, Mythic+, Raids, PvP, Tier 2 (Epic) Storms, Tier 2 War Mode, and World Bosses into the corresponding tier gear for that slot. Travel to the northern side of Tyrhold in Thaldraszus to find the Revival Catalyst located next the NPC Antuka.
    • Each week, an account-wide quest will be available which awards a charge to the Revival Catalyst. Progress towards this quest will require players to complete relevant Raid, Mythic+, PvP, and/or world content. This can be done on a single character or combined across multiple characters on the account. Completion will then award a separate charge for each character on the account which includes any characters that get created in the future! The total number of charges that can be stored for an individual character is currently capped at 6. If a character vendored, disenchanted, or destroyed a Dragonflight Season 1 item that you want to use for this system, please visit the World of Warcraft Item Restoration page for assistance.

External links[]


Always accessible




Expansion features

Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth


